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Liberation step by step...

Conducting a national liberation struggle against a colonizing occupier requires careful planning, coordination, and execution.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
3 mins

Liberation step by step...

by Les Bertrand

Below is the full text of a comment posted on Wings last week by regular commenter 'Confused'.

Readers who have more of a technical understanding of AI platforms than we possess may already be familiar with 'Ollama'.

In any case, the answer it provided to Confused's question has been preoccupying us for days and we wanted to share it.

We welcome any feedback, especially from anyone who may have used this or other platforms to raise similar questions.


18 September, 2024 at 2:49 pm

I’m a tech sort of guy. Been messing around with LLMs, but locally, downloaded onto the PC; get a copy of Ollama, install it and run it from the command line. A terminal comes up, run a model – I have LLama3.1 8B, the smallest. Quite impressive. Howsabout this : >>> is my question, the rest is the answer.


Conducting a national liberation struggle against a colonizing occupier requires careful planning, coordination, and execution. Indigenous peoples have successfully employed various tactics throughout history, adapting to their unique contexts and circumstances.

**Understanding the Context:**

Before embarking on a national liberation struggle, it’s essential to:

* **Gather intelligence**: Understand the occupier’s strengths, weaknesses, interests, and potential responses.

* **Build alliances**: Form connections with other affected communities, organizations, and international bodies that can provide support.

* **Develop a clear understanding of local history and culture**: This will help in crafting a compelling narrative for the struggle and ensure that the movement is rooted in the community’s experiences.

**Strategic Approaches:**

1. **Non-violent resistance**: Employ non-cooperation, civil disobedience, boycotts, and other forms of peaceful protest to challenge the occupier.

2. **Armed struggle**: If deemed necessary, engage in armed self-defense or guerrilla warfare to protect communities and disrupt the occupier’s control.

3. **International solidarity**: Build connections with international organizations, governments, and civil society groups that can provide diplomatic, economic, or military support.

4. **Cultural preservation and revitalization**: Foster a strong sense of identity and cultural heritage among community members to inspire and motivate the struggle.

**Key Principles:**

1. **Decentralized decision-making**: Involve diverse stakeholders in decision-making processes to ensure representation and accountability.

2. **Community-led initiatives**: Prioritize community-driven projects, allowing local leaders to take ownership and make decisions that align with their needs.

3. **Respect for human rights**: Uphold international human rights standards, even when facing intense resistance from the occupier.

**Challenges and Opportunities:**

1. **Countering propaganda**: Develop effective counter-narratives to challenge the occupier’s misinformation campaigns.

2. **Managing internal conflicts**: Establish clear communication channels and conflict resolution mechanisms to maintain unity within the movement.

3. **Balancing short-term gains with long-term goals**: Prioritize strategic, incremental progress over immediate victories.

**International Support:**

1. **United Nations involvement**: Engage with UN agencies, special rapporteurs, and other relevant bodies to raise awareness about human rights abuses and seek international support.

2. **Diplomatic pressure**: Encourage foreign governments to exert diplomatic pressure on the occupier to respect indigenous peoples’ rights and interests.


A national liberation struggle against a colonizing occupier requires careful planning, strategic execution, and a deep understanding of local context and history. By prioritizing community-led initiatives, decentralized decision-making, and respect for human rights, indigenous peoples can build strong foundations for their struggle.

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