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Wings Over Scotland | Rot-away Beach


13 July, 2024 at 8:31 am

There looks to be about 49 whales in this toon.

But where are they headed. Well that’s easy. Many now have their sights on being parachuted in to a new slot the Hollyrood parliament election. The list is already being made up.

The SNP have learned nothing. Their disdain and disregard for the public is absolute. And that is why they will be utterly replaced in 2026.

Spartan 117

13 July, 2024 at 10:14 am

Indeed. A fine metaphor.

Meanwhile, a week into the new London regime, already we’ve seen a coal mine shut, North Sea oil & gas cancelled (“Net Zero”… I.e. Net Zero freedom and prosperity), a wave of violent crims about to be released onto the streets… Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss. The electorate was definitely Fooled Again.

Anyone seen the National comic front page regarding the fitba? Pure unfiltered bigoted jingoism. Imagine the – entirely justified – uproar if an English rag printed similar stuff about the Scots.

Robert Hughes

13 July, 2024 at 11:13 am

Call me Jonah !

The Blubber has beached itself – to nobody with a even a modicum of truthful perception’s surprise . Only the Blubber lacked/lacks the latter to foresee treating your own support with utter contempt for almost a decade was always going to result in 1000s of harpoons being aimed & fired successfully at such as easy , dim-witted , slothful and deserving target .

Whale meat again . Don’t know when ; don’t know why ( anyone would want to )


13 July, 2024 at 11:29 am

Jeezus wept… If you don’t laugh you’d cry.


“With the election seeing the SNP return just nine MPs, down from 48 in 2019, Mr McDonald added that voters had effectively put a “hard pause” on the party’s independence agenda.

It’s possible I may have to get a likeness of this obsequious wee turd turned into a punchbag for stress relief. Not for punching you understand, but for running it over multiple times with a tractor.


13 July, 2024 at 1:37 pm

I feel there is a link here, something ahabian, but in reverse.

– they could rewrite the melville classic where ahab talks about “oh that white whale, whits he like, ahm gonnay get him”, while the pequod sails around the caribbean, visiting all the fleshpots, not hunting whales at all; the pequod is now a vast cruise liner, where the tourists just get fat and pass venereal diseases on to each other.

“From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”

Independence needs an Ahab.

Hate, again. Hate can change your life, embrace it. And if you don’t feel it right now, just wait if a certain football team get another lucky decision tomorrow night.


13 July, 2024 at 2:30 pm

I am infinitely uninterested in football and in any sporty gamey stuff of any kind.

But could England winning the Euros – and the intolerable gloating; the triumphant, yet discordant, ‘tunes’ of glory that would inevitably follow – be the spark that stirs the Scots into demanding their liberation from such shallow and infantile ‘stewardship’?

Cry God for Harry, England, and Saint George! History, of a meaningless sporty sort, beckons.

And with it, perhaps, Scotland’s liberation. Who knows?

Nice pictorial statement of a truth wrapped in a topical metaphor.

Though I doubt any recently ‘retired’ SNP MSP\MP will comprehend its meaning.

Alf Baird

13 July, 2024 at 6:28 pm

Ian Brotherhood @ 4:48 pm

“The extent to which the franchise should be tweaked is a legitimate subject for debate.”

Indeed so. Self-determination and the goal of decolonization is about a defined ‘people’ and culture. Independence is a matter only for the colonized group.



13 July, 2024 at 6:42 pm


Trying to kindle your interest in Ireland I have tried to lead you down the Raglan Road and spokem about the Atomic Theory with regard to bicycles in particular.

Now to sayings from Myles na Gopaleen and Flann O’Brien.

“Waiting for the German verb is surely the ultimate thrill.”

“The Plain People of Ireland: Isn’t the German very like the Irish? Very guttural and so on?
Myself: Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: People say that the German language and the Irish language is very guttural tongues.
Myself: Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: The sounds is all guttural do you understand.
Myself. Yes.
The Plain People of Ireland: Very guttural languages the pair of them the Gaelic and the German.”

“Descartes spent far too much time in bed subject to the persistent hallucination that he was thinking. You are not free from a similar disorder.”

“Your talk,” I said, “is surely the handiwork of wisdom because not one word of it do I understand.”

“The majority of the members of the Irish parliament are professional politicians, in the sense that otherwise they would not be given jobs minding mice at a crossroads.”

Ian Brotherhood

13 July, 2024 at 6:48 pm

@Campbell Clansman (5.37) –

You’ve misunderstood. But I should’ve perhaps made the point clearer.

I was stating the current situation, not what I’d like to see.

Yes, Stu is in England and has been for a long time. But he’s Scottish because he was born here. So, he should be eligible to vote. As should anyone born in Scotland to parents of whatever nationality.

But people who were not born in Scotland and/or haven’t been resident for a reasonable minimum number of years should not be allowed to have a vote in a referendum deciding this country’s future.

I wouldn’t go to work in, say, Wales, Ireland, Japan, Russia, Australia or anywhere else and expect to be entitled to vote on such an important matter. Local council elections? Aye, maybe. But I wouldn’t dare cast a vote on crucial constitutional issues in anyone else’s country, even if offered, because it’s wrong. No-one coming to Scotland, for whatever reason, should expect to be given such a ‘right’ automatically.


13 July, 2024 at 6:49 pm

Ian Brotherhood
Ignored says:
13 July, 2024 at 4:48 pm
The extent to which the franchise should be tweaked is a legitimate subject for debate.

Simply refusing to participate in that discussion or, worse, pretending that it doesn’t exist, is juvenile.

The hairy-arsed fact is that if, by some miracle, another referendum happened tomorrow, we’d lose.

But that’s nonsense.

If the franchise can determine the result, then it defeats the purpose of having a referendum.

Why stop at the franchise? If the monopolised indoctrination on mainstream media passing itself off as “debate” is free to skew the narrative and break Purdah laws with impunity, then doesn’t that render the referendum result meaningless?

Keep it simple, but that doesn’t mean dutifully follow Westminster conventions or protocols.

Determine the state of the Union Treaty by it’s objective legitimacy under Scots Law, and since we already know it’s been irredeemably breached, terminate the Treaty and hold a ratification plebiscite of Scottish Nationals deemed eligible to vote by established International conventions.

In effect, we could even adopt Brexit as our precedent, where the decision to leave / end
the treaty was final, but a period and process of orderly transition was mutually agreed to allow an orderly disengagement of affairs.

The franchise argument is a red herring, a distraction, albeit the Establishment managed to misdirect the 2014 Referendum away from International convention. There are already internationally recognised conventions for who gets to vote in a constitutional referendum.

Why reinvent the wheel? Because Westminster demands we do? Kinda funny how Westminster always insists we Scots have to do things the hard way. We’re not the ones in habitual breach of the Articles of Union and defying Scotland’s sovereign constitution. Tell them to butt out of Scotland’s constitutional affairs.

Andy Ellis

13 July, 2024 at 6:50 pm

If it’s okay for Ellis’s England-born ‘gammons and nativists’ (as he describes them in the previous thread) to up-sticks to Scotland and then be granted a vote on independence, why then isn’t the same privilege extended to those Scots, now ‘ex-pats’, who left Scotland for work?

Because that’s not the way self determination franchises work. They have almost invariably used open, residence based criteria. Very few have varied that basic principle and the few which have have usually been seen as outliers because there was a strong argument in favour of varying it.

This was the case in e.g. Timor L’Este (due to historic colonisation and decades of Indonesian oppression and ethnic cleansing) or New Caledonia, which is regarded by the UN as a non self governing territory and thus clearly a case od de-colonisation.

Elsewhere, the franchises used were in line with that used in Scotland in 2014, or in some cases even more open. Many former Soviet republics allowed Soviet troops and recent immigrants (many of whom had been “planted” there post 1945 by Moscow to help cow the natives in to submission) to participate in their self determination votes.

People who have moved away from Scotland should not be given a vote, even if they *might* become citizens of Scotland post independence. How many of the estimated 800,000 Scots born folk in the rest of the UK have an intention of ever returning? How many might take up citizenship? I bet the answer is not many to the former, and a lot more in the case of the latter. That still doesn’t mean they should get a say in whether independence happens though, as they have no real skin in the game right now, do they?

The political kamikazes here are the nativists and franchise restriction advocates. The international community will never accept it. Many in your own movement wont accept it. The UK government is likely not to accept it. You don’t have the support and are vanishingly unlikely ever to be able to build a majority for it either, because it looks and feels Trumpian/Faragist to most Scots, who – however much it pains you – remain resolutely wedded to civic nationalism.

Nativism has all the intellectual rigour, and similar levels of popular support, to TRA extremism and genderism. Another wedge issue that’s a crap idea advanced by a minority of cranks.

Ian Brotherhood

13 July, 2024 at 7:17 pm

@Breeks (6.49) –

If by ‘nonsense’ you mean my statement that we’d lose another referendum tomorrow, that’s fair enough because I’m shite at predictions. I thought we’d win in 2014 with, if memory serves, 63.4% or thereabouts. I also had £15 on Scotland to emerge from the group stages in the fitba.

The constitutional argument, in legal terms, is one thing. You believe it’s solid as do I and many others here. But there are also those who dismiss it out of hand as ancient irrelevant guff. How that can ever be resolved, and by whom, is well beyond my ken. But that’s one for the lawyers.

Our role, as mere voters, is simply to vote. And that’s why the franchise ‘argument’ is anything but a red herring – the determination of eligibility raises vital questions of identity that can’t be ignored for the sake of conforming to some nebulous here-today-gone-tomorrow ‘woke’ version of democracy.

It could be claimed that the franchise is as close to a legal definition of ‘nationality’ as anyone can reasonably expect. So we have to get it right, for all our sakes, and being ‘accommodating’ as per the 2014 franchise is madness when we have so many bad faith actors at large.


13 July, 2024 at 8:22 pm

Of course, other, non-indigenous, resident groups and individuals might well deserve, and indeed be extended, the right to vote in the constitutional affairs of indigenous peoples. But which groups and who should be a matter to be decided entirely by those peoples alone and without external interference.

Big Jock

13 July, 2024 at 8:45 pm

I gave an Irish surname, and have Irish ancestory. Essentially going back 3 generations. I consider myself an indigenous Scot. My name comes from my great great grandfather, who moved to Greenock in 1835.

I also have Grant and Jones. So like most Scots a bit of an amalgam. I don’t think for one minute Northcode was suggesting we had to trace our ancestors back to Kenneth Mcalpin to be indigenous.

Non indigenous is first generation settlers. Or those with no traceable Scottish heritage.


13 July, 2024 at 9:00 pm

Don’t forget that Scotland is a country an older country than England that is in an illegal union, held together by smoke and mirrors and some treacherous House Jocks.

There is no union.


If we had the right people in place today we could set whatever criteria we wanted to, and there’s not a thing that Westminster could do about it, all that’s stopping this from happening is House Jock gatekeepers at Holyrood.

Once its widely exposed that the union is a lie and never existed in the first place (read the link) the English security services, which are NOT a friend to Scotland but an enemy in which one of their remits is to thwart Scots from finding out the truth about the union (they have created fake Salvo and Liberation websites) and Wingate W*nkers like you and Clansman are tasked with playing down The Claim of Right and any possibility of Scotland going it alone without stipulated criteria.

The foreign media in Scotland (Scotland has NO media to speak of) also plays its part in reinforcing the lie that the union exists when it doesn’t. I’ve yet to see any MSM news programme mention the CoR or any supposedly BBC/STV political programme debate it, most Scots are unaware that the union is a lie and the foreign media plays its part to keep it that way.

English governments are no friends to Scotland they’ve perpetuated the lie of the union for 300+ years and robbed Scotland blind using the myth of the union.

No “criteria” is required to leave something that we were never part of in the first place.


13 July, 2024 at 9:09 pm

Things are unraveling fast…

“Mhairi Black blames Operation Branchform and hints at SNP split after election drubbing Black blames Operation Branchform and hints at SNP split after election drubbing”

“The Operation Branchform police investigation had been a major factor in the collapse…”

(Scottish Daily Express)

On the split within the party, she refers to division between the progressive left and the conservative right. We have heard a few people referring to a split recently. It’s an interesting prospect.

As I understand it, what they are saying is the LGBTQ+++ wing of the party is either going to leave or be thrown out.

Okay, that might make sense and be described as a split on some level, but who are we to believe the Conservative Right within the party is, and how come we didn’t hear a peep from them before?

How long before they all realise it’s all over?


13 July, 2024 at 10:55 pm

“We are not english, nor do we want to be”


– this really bugs the nigels; if you are an anglo-narcissist then “to be an englishman is to have won the lottery of life …” and this hacks at the heart of this, core belief; no, we are not just anglos with funny accents, we are a separate people. It also implies, the most natural thing, is for us all to fuck off someday. More panic, living darn south, on a floodplain, with all the ethnics, and no escape hatch with a lot of really reasonably priced property.

England Germany semifinal 1996 – I was in Skye, glorious day, had climbed Sgurr nan Gillean and descended down the back via Lota/Harta corrie; got back to the Sligachan Hotel for some food and a beer … the fucking england game was on the bigscreen … and so watching it, noshing away I realise … wait a minute, this place is full of english cunts, just everywhere – WHY OH WHY DO WE NOT COMPEL THEM TO WEAR TOP HATS IN PUBLIC UP HERE? – and they were getting their hopes up, but I thought – Germany, reliable, and they did not disappoint. Silence, desolation – and more beer for me. Happy days.

curiously – KUNTZ scored for Germany that day, but – CUNTS – always score for england. Gazza missed a sitter, late on, and Southgate missed the penalty.

there may have been sporadic choruses of flower of scotland and deutschland uber alles.

a classic


from the times before women had tattoos and a man could wear a suit like that and not be gay


13 July, 2024 at 11:33 pm

Reports coming in that Donald Trump had to be rushed off stage at a rally after gun shots.

We need to await for the news to break but this suggests the USA is a country that could rip itself apart very easily.


14 July, 2024 at 2:41 am

” If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security #SCOTUS.”

And so tweeted BBC correspondent David Aaronovitch not so many days ago. And but by a literal hairsbreadth, his recommendation was narrowly avoided. And it was a hairsbreadth as the bullet grazed Trump’s right ear.

But others standing nearby were not so lucky.

The call by the BBC’s senior correspondent raises serious questions. Britain and the US want war. Trump doesn’t and it could well be that Aaranovich was bang on the money.

In many country’s if anyone called for someone to be murdered then that would be a crime. Not however if you are a senior
BBC correspondent.

But what if someone said the Nationalist in Scotland should hurry up and murder let us say Sir Keir Starmer,or King Charles or in fact anybody. How would that go down?

Very concerning. And then you look at how the state pursu3d Alex Salmond. Like Trump is pursued by legal case after legal case. It’s all so similar.

Robert Hughes

14 July, 2024 at 8:37 am

If anyone has been looking at U.S MSM recently they couldn’t have failed to notice the totally unhinged Anti-Trump hysteria emanating from a high % of that bought-and-paid-for Smoke n Mirror Factory , also from that paradise of Prog-Think with absolutely nothing shady in it’s past/present – Holywood . Not much different in the U.K , check fat bastard Aronovitch’s ( allegedly , something called a ” journalist ” ) outrageous comment quoted above .

According to * them * , if Trump wins it will be the end of Civilisation , the death of something they call * Democracy * ( LOL ! ) the introduction of concentration camps for ” Liberals ” ( that’s those guys who want to enforce total uniformity of thought re * gender * , * race * * climate * etc ) and , perhaps the greatest threat of all …..an end to U.S military * involvement * in other countries’ affairs . WHAT ! NEVER ! Who’ll protect the World from godless Whateverism ?

So , without knowing who/what is behind this *incident* one thing is certain ……there are no limits to which the ” Dark State ” ( go on , call that concept a ” conspiracy theory ” , I know * you * want to , so much easier , isn’t it ? ) won’t go to protect it’s interests , ie it’s virtually unlimited and definitely unaccountable POWER. If Trump is perceived as a risk to that power n those interests – and it appears he is so perceived – he will simply not be allowed to win : one way or another , he’ll be eliminated from the White House .

I’m mean FFS , they are actually still trying to animate the political corpse of their man – Biden – even after the entire World has seen the the pathetic state of the man ; though it’s looking like the Donor Class who pretty much determine who runs for POTUS are not liking the odds of their investment paying-off this time .

If , as is being speculated , Biden gets the hook and is replaced by the vacuous ,language-assassinating , shite-babbling moron Harris we’ll know the U.S Political Class has lost it’s last remaining vestiges of sanity .

We’re now ” through the looking glass ” & wandering , lost in the ” wilderness of mirrors ” – cracked mirrors at that .

The Truth won’t be along any time soon .

Alf Baird

14 July, 2024 at 12:58 pm

Andy Ellis @ 11:58 am

“Who could have foreseen in the heady days of #indyref1 that a decade later we’d still be shackled to the rotting corpse of the British nationalist state”

Duh! Extensive postcolonial theory accurately predicts exactly what we have seen, and what we have yet to see. The independence leadership needs to read up on it. They (and you) might finally discover what independence means, i.e. decolonization:


Alf Baird

14 July, 2024 at 7:28 pm

Hatuey @ 6:55 pm

“The route to independence that you support couldn’t be more dead.”

Yes, and that is because it depends on the ‘infinite generosity’ of the dominating colonial power, which never materializes of course. Only those suffering from a dependency complex would adopt such a path, which leads the people into a blind alley, as the SNP has demonstrated.


14 July, 2024 at 7:33 pm

Was a bit bored and was sitting through the start of the ITV coverage of the Euro’s final.

Up pops Sir Knight of the realm and his Labour party political broadcast laced in with the occasional reference of how big an English supporter he is and a win for England unite the ‘nation’

Compare this to the election campaigning where he kept schtum about who he professes to support and at one time wore a white t-shirt whereas all those around him worse English tops.

Entirely predictable the total change after he has won and shows his true character to those who are gullible to think his is going to bring genuine change.

Big Jock

14 July, 2024 at 10:17 pm

England played for 10 minutes. Utter domonation from Spain. England remind me of Walter Smith’s Rangers. They got to a final but noone knows why. We can all rest easy now. Will be few British Rangers fans back in their union Jack boxes as well.

I swear the Rangers fans are getting worse every year with their anti Scottish England love in. Truly warped.


14 July, 2024 at 10:58 pm

So much for Prince William playing a bigger part to save the Union.


Prince George and Prince William experienced a full range of emotions as they watched England play Spain in the Euros 2024 final.

The royal father and son watched the Three Lions lose against Spain at Olympiastadion in Berlin this evening.

After Spain scored earlier in the match, Prince George looked visibly disappointed as he took a seat next to his father.

But Cole Palmer’s glorious goal reignited the royals’ dream of a Euros win this evening.

The father-and-son looked visibly tense and holding their heads in their hands as Cole neared the goal.

The father and son appeared visibly heartbroken as they stared out at the pitch with their heads in their hands

The royal pair then jumped up out of their seats and shouted in celebration alongside Keir Starmer.

Following their celebration, Prince William turned to hug Prince George, who appeared overwhelmed with joy.

However, William and George’s joy was short-lived as Spain scored again just minutes later – thereby securing the Euros 2024 victory.
The father and son appeared visibly heartbroken as they stared out at the pitch with their heads in their hands.

Posting from the official Kensington Palace account just seconds after
the final whistle, he commiserated with the team after watching them closely miss out on victory.

William wrote: ‘This time it just wasn’t meant to be. We’re all still so proud of you. Onwards @England. W.’

For background, article from 2021:


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are to be asked to spend more time in Scotland under plans reportedly being drawn up by palace officials to bolster the Union.

Kate and William would spend additional time at Balmoral and strengthen ties with their former university town of St Andrews if the proposals go ahead, according to the Sunday Times.

The report comes just days after the couple’s tour of Scotland in which William said the country was “so important” to himself and wife.
On the final day of their visit, William and Kate held a meeting with Gordon Brown who has recently launched a renewed campaign to save the Union.


15 July, 2024 at 2:12 am

PacMan: ”Maybe a sort of Manchurian Candidate scenario?”

Possibly. In most cases I would expect it’s easier to just threaten, bribe, blackmail, etc.

Sirhan Sirhan seems to believe he was hypnotised in some way and thought he was shooting at a firing range when he took aim at RFK. RFK junior believes him. One way or another, something like 13 shots were fired and Sirhan’s gun was capable of firing only 8…

The attempt to assassinate Trump has all the hallmarks of an inside job. Al Jazeera had an eye witness on last night that said matter of factly that there were two shooters. Other witnesses claim the police were alerted to the presence of a shooter and did nothing.

The way they’re playing it down is highly suspicious, too. I missed Biden’s appeal for calm — “nothing to see here, eat your porridge and stfu” — but I see that all of a sudden we are supposed to bow to Biden’s wisdom and authority. What a difference a week makes.

Alf Baird

15 July, 2024 at 9:12 am

Andy Ellis @ 8:01 am

“Speaking of delusional”

Colonialism is not really that complicated:


However, denial (of oppression) forms an important part of the ‘colonial condition’:



15 July, 2024 at 10:38 am

Andy Ellis said;

“Since the adherents of “cunning plans for indy” aren’t going to be putting themselves up for anything as troublesome as elections, or using a referendum or plebiscitary election victory to show us they enjoy majority support, it’s up to them to demonstrate how they operationalise their novel route to independence and persuade the international community to recognise the outcome.

I’m not offended by you hanging on to your pipe dream either. I’m just bored with the unending pish coming out of the usual suspects and their assurances – with no evidence whatsoever – that their approach could ever work. They don’t deserve any credit in my view. The fact they are credulous enough to buy into such magical thinking in the first place tells us everything we need to know about them.”

A, taking the UN decolonisation route isn’t novel, you bombastic ignoramus, and B, ‘they’ don’t need to demonstrate how it would work because the relevant mechanisms are already in place, and have been for years. They just need to collate the already extensive evidence to build their case, and they are under no obligation to show it to you first!

If the relevant international court finds against the UK, the Union is legally over, and it can’t come back. And its verdict needs no democratic majority to validate it.

Robert Hughes

15 July, 2024 at 11:58 am

@ Xaracen

1st . an overdue ( from me anyway ) * hat-tip * to you for yr obvious command of yr subject ( broadly , the Constitutional * issue * ) and commendable tenacity/patience in answering the repetitive , tedious , studied ignorance of the trance-inducing Political Party dinosaurs .

As for the latter …..if people like Andy Ellis are representative of ALBA’s position re Independence – and it appears that he is – we can add that Party to the list of hopeless cases that have wasted and continue to waste our time and effort by – however much ALBA may attempt to camouflage it – ultimately deferring to WM , ie the Brit State as the final arbiters of our aspiration to Independence .

You would think given the hiding it got in the G.E – and when the similarly whupped SNP are simply incapable of seeing the absolutely essential , existential need to change – that a recently formed Party like ALBA would equally see the need for a radical rethink on where it’s failing : but , no , it seems it , like the burnt-out husk of a Party that is it’s progenitor , is just going to persist on the same fruitless path ; merely seeking to replace the SNP but – in reality – offering nothing new .

Never mind though , the heavenly host of angels are melodiously proclaiming panegyrics to ALBA because ……………

Stu ” liked ” a tweet of Albandy . Hallelujah !!!

Ian Brotherhood

15 July, 2024 at 2:22 pm

Text of article published by Grousebeater today:


by John Drummond

‘Several commentators last week insisted that “Scotland is not a colony”, and that British rule over Scotland cannot be seen as colonial in nature. This bears some clearing up. On the most trivial level, ­“Scotland is not a colony” because “colony” was one particular form of governance within the British Empire, which never applied to ­Scotland.

But many other parts of the British Empire were not officially “colonies” either. Some, like Malaya and the Trucial States, were protectorates. Some, like Canada after 1867 and South Africa after 1910, were “dominions”. Some, like Gibraltar and Bermuda, are now called “overseas territories”.

“Scotland is not a colony” because imperial rule over Scotland was established by treaty, not conquest. But that also applies to much of the British Empire. Imperialism-by-treaty was a common mode of expansion.

The imperial ­power just needs to apply the right pressure to the right people. Find the parcel of rogues and pay them off. When that fails to pacify people, then send the redcoats in to uphold the treaty – there is a clear line between 1707 and 1746.

“Scotland is not a colony” because the ­Scottish elite actively cooperated with and ­benefitted from imperial rule. Of course they did. Every successful empire brings native elites on board – and has done since the first Gaul, seeing what side his bread was buttered, donned a toga and learnt Latin.

Being absorbed into an empire can be ­beneficial for these assimilated elites. They have economic opportunities that would ­otherwise be denied to them. Above all, they gain ­protection against their own people.

There might even be a “sahib” class of elite ­natives who have been so socialised into the imperial ruling system that they are trusted to manage things, so long as they do so in the ultimate interests of the Empire and not in the interests of their fellow countrymen. There are still a lot of these Scottish sahibs about, quietly running Scotland and keeping a lid on things.

“Scotland is not a colony” because we have self-government. So did most colonies. ­Colonialism entails the subordination of high politics to imperial ends – a colony loses the ­power to determine its own destiny on the world stage, to make war and peace, to ­conduct ­international affairs. Low politics may be left in local hands. Indeed, general patterns of rule across the British Empire were hands-off. Most colonies had devolved legislatures, with broad powers over their own affairs, but ­subject to London’s ultimate veto. Does that sound ­familiar?

“Scotland is not a colony” because Scotland has seats in Westminster. So did Ireland. But somehow the same people who deny Scotland’s colonial status are happy to acknowledge the ­colonial nature of British rule in Ireland.

“Scotland is not a colony” because Scotland was a coloniser – as if the two were mutually incompatible. Unfortunately for those who like their historical narratives clear and simple, the world is not divided into goodies and baddies. Some, looking at their grim opportunities in Scotland, willingly took the boat. Others, looking at their burning clachans, were rounded up and forced to the quayside. That is how easily the colonised become colonisers.

“Scotland is not a colony” because Scots fought proudly and bravery in the British ­Empire’s wars. That’s also a common feature of empires. A colonially governed country is a ­useful source of canon fodder, to be sure; ­colonised people with “martial traditions” like Punjabi Sikhs or Scottish Highlanders can be put to work on behalf of the imperial scheme.

“Scotland is not a colony” because there was no cultural oppression. That must be why this article is being written in English, while the ­native languages of Scotland are preserved like curios on signposts.

“Scotland is not a colony” because ­colonialism is all about racism, and therefore it cannot ­happen to white people. This is the most ­ridiculous argument of all. Go tell it to the Ukrainians.

“Scotland is not a colony” because others had it worse. Aye, and some had it better. Most were given independence when they asked for it. Scotland is denied that opportunity.

Denying the nature of imperialism

In short, to deny the colonial nature of the British Empire’s rule over Scotland is either to misunderstand the complexity and ­ambiguity of the British Empire or else to downplay the ­reality of Scotland’s subjection to British ­imperial rule.

The good news is that all empires die. They get to a pinnacle where all lies at their feet, and end as a ruin in the desert with the ­inscription: “Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.”

The final death throes of the British ­Empire can be easy or hard. The easy way is to ­allow the peaceful, democratic, transition to ­independence, as it was done across much of the world by post-war British governments. The hard way is to fight it and lose.

Which is Sir Keir Starmer to emulate: Harold Macmillan or Lord North?’



15 July, 2024 at 2:34 pm

Another good reason to kick out the SNP in 2026, along with them selling us out over indy.

“Nearly 2,000 affordable homes have been stalled due to SNP budget cuts, according to a house building group.

Homes for Scotland’s Jane Wood said the huge drop in funding had been “devastating” for the sector.

Humza Yousaf’s short-lived Government was blasted after announcing a near £200m cut to affordable housing last year.

This was in spite of homelessness rising, councils declaring a housing “emergency” and young people struggling to buy homes.

HFS said data collected from their members revealed that around 5,000 “new, high quality, energy efficient homes” had stalled as a result of the cuts.

They said 1,826 are designated as affordable housing.”


15 July, 2024 at 3:09 pm

Interesting, was he an actor? and we all know the power BlackRock has.

“The man identified as the shooter who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump has been spotted in a now-pulled BlackRockadvert.

In the advert filmed at Bethel Park School, Thomas Matthew Crooks can be seen in the middle of an economics class, watching the whiteboard.

The clip was a promotional tool to show how BlackRock can help those thinking about retirement.”


Big Jock

15 July, 2024 at 3:54 pm

Scotland is only not a colony if it is a region , rather than a nation.

If we are a nation, then holding us against our collective wills is colonialism.

If we are not a nation then why do we have a national flag, anthem, legal system, national sporting teams, a few national languages, national dress, a government, bank notes, education system, national police and fire service.

We already had a referendum to determine our nations future. So England cannot define us as a region of England or the UK. I don’t think it needs further explaining.

Our people voted time and time again for a government that received mandates to hold a referendum. A foreign court ordered it illegal. So we are the very epitome of a colony.

Robert Hughes

16 July, 2024 at 7:40 am

Ignored says:
15 July, 2024 at 10:06 pm

” Looks as though you need a tinfoil hat to post on BTL these days. ”

A ” Tinfoil hat ” , really ? Have you looked at the * news * recently ?

The West has gone insane : it’s ( supposed ) Leader a shuffling zombie being held together by oligarch prayers n daily injections of formaldehyde .

There has just been an assassination attempt on the only * serious * rival to Big Capital’s current puppet-of-choice . The fact that he IS the only serious rival in itself an indication of the degenerate condition of the U.S political shitstem .

An insane Proxy War is being waged with the express purpose of instigating yet one more ” regime change ” , to allow the rabid dogs of Forever War access to another countries resources : only this time they targeted a people/regime that will never surrender to US bullying , threats n intimidation . NEVER .

Which part of ” A world without *ussia is not a world we can contemplate ” are the fckn juvenile delinquents in the US State Dept , EU , * NATO * failing to grasp ?

The forces-that-always-are would rather take the World down in a nuclear firestorm than release their grip on the reins of global domination .

Look at the obscenity that’s taking place under U.S imprimatur over by in ….what’s it’s sobriquet again ? ah , that’s it …..The Holy Land : whilst the * civilised world * stands-by , indulging in metaphysical debates about the meaning of words , eg *en.c.e , as rivers of civilian blood flow through the bomb-ravaged streets people once called home .

Meanwhile , people in positions of power n influence are trying to force us to accept that humans can change sex ; that some are ” born in the wrong body ” ; that mangling a human body – slicing bits off here , stitching bits on there , eliminating the natural stages of human growth & development with a lifelong chemical cocktail requirement – is productive of anything other that a grotesque parody of a human being .

Need I go on ?

It’s not a ” tinfoil hat ” you need : it’s a ” thinking cap ” that will allow you the capacity to fully grasp the total lunacy of what we’re being subjected to , what we’re being asked …told … to accept as * Reality * and the inferno of all Rationality we’re being driven towards .


16 July, 2024 at 9:19 am

@Michael Laing; “I reckon I’m going to invest in a saltire t-shirt and stick ‘MOONHOWLER’ on it in large-size lettering. If believing passionately in independence makes me a moonhowler, then a moonhowler I shall proudly be!”

If you are a native Scot, then you are not just any old moonhowler, you are a proud ‘SOVEREIGN MOONHOWLER’.

Alf Baird

16 July, 2024 at 9:49 am

“Divide and rule and manipulation of the people” are the tools of the colonial oppressor (Friere). And so the Scots are diverted onto any number of issues, at home and abroad, totally unrelated to our liberation.

Every true leftist must support the national aspirations of the people. However, like most on the left they are yet to discover that “there is no connection between the liberation of the colonized and the application of a left-wing program” (Memmi).

In a colonized society “the only task at the moment is that of freeing the people”.

“Politicians are not intellectuals”, clearly; most if not all of ours have still to figure out that independence means decolonization, which is the only remedy for the ‘hateful racism’ (Cesaire) of colonization. Politicians are easily diverted onto superfluous matters, much as we see with the SNP, which has taken the movement up a blind alley.

In dealing with a colonial situation, for which decolonization is the only remedy, people on the left (or right) arguably need more of this:



16 July, 2024 at 10:41 am


It’d certainly be ironic then.

As Robert says above – they’re out of their tiny minds. They’re gobbing off good style about how they’ll crush P & break up R into tiny pieces & use nukes if they have to. Whose women, children & disabled do you think they mean? It’s not theirs but ours. They’re continually escalating while they congratulate each other that it’s not their men they’re using but the Europeans, just keep sending more & conscript the over 18s while yer at it, while bragging of the trillions they’ll get their hands on. This isn’t tin foil crap conspiracy. This in on their televisions & in their congress not shown in the UK & what’s worse is their crusades are built on lies & propaganda.

Not content with just one war – they’re busy insulting & annoying the fck out of others too in the middle east & China.

Meanwhile their own country has gone to shit. Uncontrolled immigration, gun crimes, drugs, homeless , far right, TRAs, white supremacists bent courts, law enforcement & secret service. They are heading for a civil war.

So yes I would find it rather ironic if it completely backfired on them & it was their own country that eventually broke up instead. A bully receiving some comeuppance. They’ve cost untold millions their lives in their psychotic, unhinged need to rule & control the world while their fake brand of *western values* are straight out a porno/horror show. Their brand of Western values are satanic.

I don’t feel sorry for colonisers. They’re never be content & always require more. Well they’ve met their match. They’re so used to fighting & invading wee diddy countries with no defense & mowing down civilians that they think they are invincible & they’ve totally captured the UN, ICJ & ICC that they’re untouchable for breaking international laws & crimes against humanity. They’re our biggest threat to world peace & it’s all created by lies & propaganda – they’ve lied so much they now believe their own bullshit & hype.


16 July, 2024 at 11:19 am

The millionaire knight of the realm and leader of the Labour party Sir Keir Starmer is far to busy sending weapons and UK taxpayers cash to the two Knn–e-o- Kna–tt–zz–i regimes of U and I the latter committing G-e-n–o-ci-de, to smash the two-child benefit cap. Of course half his party’s cabinets have been funded by the zzz–i–o-M–on-st–ers and many including Starmer are ardent L_F–I members.

The two-child benefit caps is a horrible policy.

“The researchers also conducted comparative analysis of social security support for children across the EU, and found that only three member states had any cap on support brd on family size. Of those countries – Spain, Cyprus and Romania – none restricted benefits after just two children. By contrast, 17 out of 27 EU countries were found to have more generous support per child as family size increased. Far from being punished, parents were given extra help.”

Scotland can do better for its children and families by ditching this illegal union keeping Scotland wealth in Scotland and for it to be used for its ain folk and not for foreign wars around the globe seen fit to be funded by a foreign country’s (England) parliament, partly at our expense.

Alf Baird

16 July, 2024 at 2:00 pm

Republicofscotland @ 1:30 pm

“Do we really trust these clowns”

Aye RoS, so long as colonial Scotland remains the plaything of a mediocre imperial meritocracy all we can expect are poorly designed ferries, freeport tax havens, fleecing of our assets and flamingolands. The dubious values of our oppressor even extends to rewilding our land rather than populate it with Scots.

An underdeveloped and impoverished people and a nation in the process of perishing is the inevitable outcome of colonial rule:


Alf Baird

16 July, 2024 at 3:37 pm

Northcode @ 2:08 pm

“finem Scottorum”

Tin hats fir coronets
An cludgie stanes fir thrones.
Thaim folk wha ance forgat thersel;
Embraced anither’s epithet;
Nou nuthin’ mair than bones.”

Braw stuff Northcode. Weel describes the colonial cultural assimilation process, a doun-hauden fowk cravin tae be like thair doun-hauder; an aye chasin a ‘false persona’ and a ‘cultural illusion’, leavin thair ain naition an cultur tae dee awa.


16 July, 2024 at 4:25 pm

6 years for Nicola’s pal, Cameron Downing.

Maybe they’ll end up sharing a c


17 July, 2024 at 10:55 am

There was lecturer on YouTube video years ago about the declaration of Arbroath & Catholicism.

The exact same popular sovereignty that Scots practiced at the time. No one had a divine right to rule. Popes had no authority other than to uphold beliefs. Popes were elected by the ppl via elected bishops who were elected by priests etc & no pope can sell property cause it doesn’t belong to him – he is only acting guardian.

The English monarch believes he is heaven blessed to rule, can take what they like & can pass it onto their sprogs.

This was incompatible for a union hence the non negotiable terms that Scots are sovereign & the claim of right.

So when yoons pretend they have a monarch, they don’t. They have a foreign king from another country imposing on this one with his “Royal ascension” pish that doesn’t belong here. They’re here by consent & I say let’s test that & have a referendum on it. We’ve never been asked for centuries so there goes the “once in a gennnnerachun” peesh right off the bat..

Remove the royals & Scots will be independent. They’ve no business here. It’s outdated nonsense & a drain on society. They’re the biggest benefit scroungers & parliament interference. They serve absolutely no purpose. Tourists will still flock to see their houses whether they’re still there or not. Or better still, pack their bags & ship them off to the Americans. They love them.

Ian Brotherhood

17 July, 2024 at 12:01 pm

@Geri (10.55) –

The perfect time to get shot of them was back in 1997 when the royal ‘yacht’ was decommissioned. They could’ve been politely instructed to load as much of their ill-gotten gain as they could onto the ship and then given a send-off, forever to roam the high seas as did the pirates who plundered all that loot in the first place.


Wings Over Scotland | The Hiding


17 July, 2024 at 1:25 pm

Is it just me, or does a financially successful society which is capable of supporting people who are out of work or otherwise down on their luck, unfortunately creates the by-product of a sociological miasma in which large numbers of nasty, self-absorbed, toxic people with no discernible talents and nothing to offer anyone find themselves with enough time and outlets available to inflict their poison on the rest of us?


17 July, 2024 at 1:43 pm

Soooooooo very happy not to be a member of the Sham Nationalist Party.

Attracts a ‘certain type’ of individual these days… the type I wouldn’t want near me or any member of my family.

Funny how Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris etc. were likewise surrounded by individuals hoping to gain advantage through association, and those individuals were also happy to look the other way when to do otherwise would risk their own status, position and public image.

There’s a word for such people…

John C

17 July, 2024 at 1:46 pm

So we know that Cameron Downing is a very bad man. Which does rather invite the question of why he was so popular in the SNP.

From what I’ve seen, Downing was the subject of complaints yet the SNP did nothing. Joanna Cherry has been spilling some info on this & I find it extraordinary that any organisation/employer would fail to act, especially after those threats he threw out online.

And finally at the front we have Rhiannon Spear, a serial failed careerist who’s tried everything to advance herself in the SNP but keeps being doggedly rejected by the party’s members.

Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a while. I actually had the misfortune to meet Spear & in no way whatsoever should this person be anywhere near politics in Scotland. She’s the poster child for what’s went so badly wrong with the SNP.

Leeze, coincidentally, was also the Gender Identity And Expression Officer at Out For Independence, a role that Cameron Downing took over from him.

Out For Independence seems to be a breeding ground for these people. It seems to be less to do with LGB rights & more to do with getting it’s members into positions of power in Scotland so they can commit the sort of abuse that’s now far, far too common. That entire organisation needs to be cleaned out.

They’re not the only people with questions to answer. The beleaguered Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre appears to have been fooled by Downing’s false blackmail rape claims into giving him access.

This raises some truely awful questions. How many more victims of Downing are out there who are too scared/traumatised to come forward? It also raises the question as to what access men like Downing have in ERCC? Do they mix with women & if so, why?

ERCC yet again has questions to answer & in a sane world, this would be the end of that organisation or at least, the people running it but nope, it’ll carry on.

Downing is of course just the latest in a long line of party officials to be found guilty of, or admit to, sexual assault and/or harassment. He joins Jordan Linden, Patrick Grady, Derek Mackay and others in a long list of shame, and everyone connected with Scottish politics knows there are several more about which nothing can be said legally until such times as arrests are made.

Every party in the UK has allegations flying around being they be about abuser like Downing, or your more usual type of political corruption. However for the size of the party, the SNP has an incredible amount of abusers that’s come to light with more to come as Stu says. What was it about Sturgeon’s SNP where she made this sort of thing so, so common?

Also, all these people were protected while activists both old and new were chased out the party for trying to keep the party on track. My fear is that some of these people will defect to Labour so I hope they have somewhat better screening processes that the SNP have had.


17 July, 2024 at 1:48 pm

The true circumstances of Leeza’s death, at so young an age, are probably unintentionally hilarious. Drugs, deviant sex, men in dresses, what could possibly go wrong?

Swimming lessons with Michael Barrymore, exploring the meaning of “past the elbow”?

In general, one highly reliable way of destroying a thing is to put malignant idiots in charge of it.

– also, when you have an organisation which campaigns for a cause, do not allow ANY sub-caucuses within it, for any reason, it causes division and you can create an internal virtual senate.

If the rev wasn’t here to kick over the rocks – and it’s a dirty job – most people would miss all this, apart from the likes of me, who read the local press for the crime reports.

John C

17 July, 2024 at 2:02 pm

Also, I don’t know if Stu’s seen this, but Police Scotland are paying officers to attend Pride events.


I’ve heard rumours previously of officers being told they’re attending a Pride event or else & yes, one should always take the Daily Mail with a pinch of salt, but this does seem to show that at the highest level of Scottish politics and society that TRAs have extraordinary influence.


17 July, 2024 at 2:15 pm

Surely the answer to the corruption of political systems everywhere round the world is to have direct democracy as Switzerland has?

When the politicians are all subject to a procedure whereby the electorate can sack them/repeal their legislation/punish politicians then we are less likely to have bad actors in the first place. And if there are any, they won’t last long and dangerous laws won’t either.

This is a simple solution to what is otherwise an impossible task.

Lorna Campbell

17 July, 2024 at 2:20 pm

Excellent piece, Rev.

Jesus Christ, how many times does it need to be pointed out that the whole modern Stonewall project is founded on sexual deviance, queer theory and post modernism/structuralism. The far left is up to its armpits in this stuff. If the SNP has any sense left, it will jettison these creeps in favour of decent candidates for 2026. If it doesn’t, byeeeeee…

They drove out thousands of female members in favour of this poor, victimized minority who, strangely, although they bleat about not being considered for jobs, seem to get the cream of them. If Labour makes it easier for these men to get GRCs, they are going to bring the heavens down on themselves. They have been warned fairly. Same goes for Sinn Fein: if they don’t have the sense to body swerve this vile stuff, they are going to pay a huge price at the polls eventually. As for the Greens and Lib Dems, enough said.

That creep being in a women’s refuse makes my blood run cold. That larping man, Mridul Whatsit, should be out of there on his ear, and everyone who enabled his deceit and entitlement needs to be censured. He lives with a man. He is gay, not ‘trans’, an AGP and dangerous to females because he evidently hates them – and he gained that position illegally.

Murrayfield Dave

17 July, 2024 at 3:30 pm

Thanks. Enlightening. I’ve always voted SNP, every single election, until a couple of weeks ago. I can’t imagine doing so again, not without root and branch reform. I’ve contributed to your website only once before. After reading this article another contribution is required, which I’ll attend to shortly. This is first-class journalism, Rev, a true shame that it goes unrecognised by many (most?) of those who claim to be journalists.

Lorna Campbell

17 July, 2024 at 5:25 pm

John C: read what I wrote. I said the modern Stonewall project, i.e. the ‘trans’ one. I am well aware of what Stonewall, the original, did for gay people. It has been hi-jacked, like everything else, by this mob. Just like women and girls, they intend that gay people should not exist either. This is its child eugenics programme writ large. It is conversion therapy (gay/heterosexual non conforming to ‘trans’) by any other name.

Today’s Stonewall project is to have every deviance, fetish and paraphilia not only accepted but lauded from the rooftops. The end journey of queer theory is the exploitation of children, females, gays and animals – and, frankly, anything else that breathes and moves. It is a men’s sexual rights movement, supported by the men’s rights movement and brainless, bone-headed women.

The post modernist part of the movement wants to subvert society via this cesspool in order to weaken Western society which can, then, be exploited to the nth degree. That is why big corporates and CEOs of corporates support this stuff with oodles of cash.


17 July, 2024 at 7:19 pm

Meanwhile the foreign media has made big noises about Great British Energy, as did the foreign king in England today, but all is not what it seems.

“Starmer’s so-called “Great British Energy” is a typical neoliberal con. It won’t be a publicly-owned energy supplier. It will use public money to build green energy infrastructure that private energy companies will then use to keep ripping us off.”


John C

17 July, 2024 at 9:19 pm

There’s an interesting Tweet from Christopher McEleny I’ve just noticed.


Nicola Sturgeon turned a blind eye to all of this. In fact, she would attend house parties in the West end of Glasgow with some of these people despite being nearly 30 years older than them.

Now this isn’t a surprise to hear. I’ve heard stories of Sturgeon being seen a lot in the West End but this is the first time someone’s said (as far as I know) that she’s linked directly to these people at a social level.


17 July, 2024 at 9:28 pm

I must admit I thought Out for Indy was a bunch of spotty weans having a tantrum that led to Sturgeon running under the stairs for her infamous public announcement.

They’re grown arsed men ffs.

The elephant in the room tho…

On the plus side, they’ve done LGBTQWERTY+++ absolutely zero favours, one wee sniff of power & they went full authoritarian batshit nuts. Tantrums & tiaras.

It was inevitable. It’s happened before with the churches. That “community” attracts all kinds of deviants & rather than serve their electorate /parishioners they turn the whole organisation into Grindr which forces out the good ones unless it’s stopped. SNP didn’t stop but actively encouraged it.

Anyone wanting factual evidence of this should read Michael Rose ‘Goodbye, Good men” jurno who blew the CC sex scandals in the US on exactly this topic & how they maneuver into positions of power & change an organisation from within with all their wee networking clubs.

This won’t be the end of the SNP story. Sturgeon is clingy onto Holyrood for dear life cause there’s more to come & far, far worse than what’s already been exposed. She didn’t give wee Patrick a cushy cabinet job for nothing & Queen of the narcissists didn’t run to the broom cupboard for nothing either or ignore the shameful bullying of Cherry & McAlpine by colleagues with no disciplinary.

She’s up to her neck in it..


17 July, 2024 at 11:15 pm

here’s something – I was chatting to an oul fella and he was giving me his reactionary views … apparently, did anyone know this? …

you can stick your penis, up the front hole (sometimes called a “vagina” or as he put it, a fanny)

and … somehow … it’s not explained anywhere I think … google? chatgpt??

you can use this method to :


and, this could be important, coz like, we all get older, and then we get sick and die, and as we pass out the door, we need new people coming in at the other end; and while we are not dead yet, but in a care home, other people, younger people, will need to e.g. wipe our arses, and do knee replacements, all that. It’s an interesting theory, this pervy sex, done in the other place, has an auxiliary purpose.

I told him the best way to get new people was to import them from BAME-land, and that the anus is the only sex organ, and only fascists think otherwise.

– he then called me “a wee pouf” and that I had “never hud yir proper hole, ya fuckin bufty”

I wonder what the new labour administration will bring us; they can’t keep down the council tax, but there are always good for a stiff wank in a layby.



18 July, 2024 at 12:44 am

Only those who can be easily blackmailed by the powers that be can be “elected” to top political positions.

That is the case throughout the “democratic” world.

There are some very rare exceptions, Alex Salmond being one of them.

They failed to get him, but IMHO, they will never give up.


18 July, 2024 at 12:48 am

While the deviancy and narcissism of these individuals is repellent and disgusting, what I find truly unforgivable is the fact these individuals hijacked the noble and rightful cause of Independence and Constitutional justice for Scotland and trashed pretty well everything the YES Movement stood for.

Scotland held Independence in it’s grasp, we were over the line, but we were “led” by these delinquent weirdos and perverts at such a critical time, who were too preoccupied with their own selfish interests and agendas to even contemplate doing the right thing for Scotland. I would bury the lot of them alive in horse manure. C#&ts.

For what they’ve done to Scotland, I would take a flamethrower to their petty indulgencies and melt them out of existence. It’s not because I’m unstable or mentally ill, but these fkers are straight up t(r@itors to my Country and have done incalculable damage to my country’s interests.

Even if they’re only contribution was delaying Independence by a decade, (and they’ve done much more damage than that), that alone is an unnecessary decade of plundered resource and underachievement for Scotland’s population. Hand them the bill.

I lack the vocabulary to properly express my anger towards these “specimens” and the only aspect of justice currently accessible is laughing like a drain when hearing these shits have tried to promote tolerance and acceptance of their depraved deviancy and moral delinquency. My soul has been darkened by the intolerance and revulsion these imbeciles have inspired.

If I am now rendered intolerant and prejudiced against “innocent” individuals who are uncomfortable in their skin, confused about their gender but didn’t want to draw attention to themselves, then so be it. I’m not even sorry about it because you can blame my new found prejudice squarely of these tre@cherous betrayers of my Country. Your colourful wee flags? I now vomit at the sight of them. Congratulations.

NEVER forget what wee bi$-ch Surgeon tried to do, and actually did, to destroy everything that Alex Salmond stood for. The vile creature Sturgeon is poison, absolute poison, and those people who cannot see that are just a dangerous to Scotland as she is.


18 July, 2024 at 6:35 am

I have to laugh at presumably English people on here crowing and mocking Scotland and Scots.

You can’t even see yourselves anymore…

You are the most broken people on planet earth. You were conquered in 1066 by an invading army who then ruthlessly subjected you in the most brutal fashion.

They built fortresses the length and breadth of your country and literally harrowed you into being their slaves. To this day they still rule over you.

Where do you think the contempt for ordinary people came from? They do not see you as ‘of them’. They despise you.

Long before Scotland was colonized they colonized and conquered you.

You are totally dispossessed and powerless in your own country just as we are in ours but you are in a far worse situation than us.

Because we see it and you don’t.

You are fucking mugs, laughing at us for being in jail, from the cell next door…

Robert Louis

18 July, 2024 at 7:11 am

And ALL this happened under STURGEON.

These ‘people’ are creeps of epic proportions. This is not about being gay, or trans, it is about being violent misogynistic, women-hating, thugs, bullies and careerist, gravy-train-riding, manipulators.

They were welcomed into the SNP. Not only have they destroyed the SNP, and committed very, very serious crimes, they have by their actions damaged the very causes they claimed to stand up for.

They do NOTHING for independence.

So angry at the SNP. So very. very angry at Sturgeon and her creepy cabal of ‘gender queer anarchists‘ – or whatever they call themselves today.

And while ALL this went on, good, good people were ignored and sidelined. For example, Joanna Cherry, who remains one of the most very competent SNP politicians in recent history. At least she actually did something whilst elected to London.

If John Swinney achieves one thing, it will be to boot out ALL of them, and for heavens sake get an actual freaking woman to run the Edinburgh rape crisis centre.

I do hope Downing enjoys his wee stay in Saughton. I am sure some inmates might find him ‘useful’ on a regular basis.


18 July, 2024 at 8:53 am

18 July, 2024 at 6:53 am

It is nauseating really. Imagine what a real Englishman from those (pre-conquered) times would say about them…

I find it hard to put into words, partly because the way I feel about England is pretty ephemeral, but contrary to expectations maybe, as a rule I’m a big fan of the place.

They are a talented and industrious people given the chance to be, and growing up a Scottish kid with en exRAF father, how I wished that Spitfires, Mosquitos (especially Mosquitos) and Lancasters had been Scottish inventions.

Not just war winning aircraft, but Jaguar cars, Land Rovers, Minis, Aston Martins, Racing Green Bentlys, MG’s, oh, and motorbikes; Triumphs, Nortons, BSA,… Could Britishness have ever worked? Yeah, it absolutely could have. At it’s best, Britain can deliver. The problem is, somebody got greedy, and these days Britain, the UK, is at the very opposite end of the spectrum from “best”.

I see the “mostly” impotent sabre rattling at the Ru$$ians and Ch1inese, and ask myself, what are you afraid off? That the beastly Ru$$ians are going to destroy your factories, shut the mines, plunder the nations wealth, collapse your infrastructure, leave people destitute and homeless, take your land away, make the money in your pocket worthless and leave you and your kind at the whimsical mercy of an all powerful Tyrant who bathes in their onscene wealth?

Hate to bust your bubble UK, but that “war” already arrived decades ago, and you,the cannon fodder, lost. It wasn’t the Ru$$ians that done it neither. It was your home grown Tory NeoLiberals, and their rotten chums in the US and Isr@el…

When I see events like the Euros, and “UK” pundits and broadcasters trying to be “neutral”, (and failing badly), I don’t get angry. What I see is an English Nation which aches to be England, not Britain. Be English and revel in it, for better or worse. Trust me England, I get it. I really do. The UK is a false and unnatural construct. Let us end it amicably and move on.

Alf Baird

18 July, 2024 at 9:51 am

Breeks @ 8:53 am

“What I see is an English Nation which aches to be England, not Britain. Be English and revel in it, for better or worse. Trust me England, I get it. I really do. The UK is a false and unnatural construct.”

Yes indeed Breeks, the rise of English nationalism and national consciousness, as with Scottish, Irish and Welsh nationalism, is a reaction to ongoing oppression. For all these national ethnic groups it is the cultural illusion of ‘Britishness’ and its exploitative elite ideology and values that must be cast aside. Only then will the peoples of these islands be truly liberated.


18 July, 2024 at 10:21 am

18 July, 2024 at 9:20 am

“It’s hard to have any faith in English Inquiries as we recall the Chilcot Inquiry into the illegal war in Iraqi war…”


Are you not confusing Chilcot with Hamilton or Butler?

‘Chilcot finds that the decision made by Tony Blair’s cabinet to invade was made in circumstances that were “far from satisfactory”’

If, instead of the mickey mouse Hollyrood committee divided on party lines, Chilcot had conducted an inquiry into the Salmond stitch-up, Sturgeon would have gone to jail.


18 July, 2024 at 12:15 pm

The english working class being the “most advanced in the world” were in Marx’s eyes the people who would start “the revolution”; but they never did and it drove him nuts. Okay, so your big theory, your class based analysis might be 80 percent right, but not completely, then you have to include “culture” and -gulp- “national character”, which is distasteful. It’s a bit more complicated than you want, and you have to admit : people are just different, even if their socio-economic role is identical.

Anglos are peculiar, not normal in any sense, though would measure the world against themselves as the baseline.

– the anglo has a NATURAL SLAVE MENTALITY and will always TUG THE FORELOCK AND OBEY when push comes to shove; this is obvious when you see their craven worship of a gang of inbred paedophile half-german grifters, known as the “royal family”.

The litmus test was in the 80s – thatcherism was tearing apart the north, which should have led to a split, but there was never any serious call for northern independence (it was all red, all labour, the south was all blue, all tory), and beyond the miners getting stuck in, no one even bothered trying an insurrection; the empire lost the americas for much less – it was raw, class war, waged against the North (and Scotland of course), all so the south could have its prosperity based on banking, bankrolled and collateralised by the oil, and the short range of trickle down to operate in the south east, giving all the litte fucking tories a “taste” (idiots, who count themselves richer due to house price inflation)

Given the state of northern ireland at the time (the IRA had come close to assassinating the PM and cabinet), could the UK have handled an insurrection in the north? Of course not. But no one even tried – it never occurred to them that this was the righteous thing to do; you have been attacked, you fight back. A lot of labour windbags gassed a great deal, that was it, dreaming of the stoat coat for time served, a gong, a garter.

– this is why fundamentally even the ordinary englishman, and the men of the north, are not and never will be allies of us; they are still the enemy, for they will always side with their own (class based) oppressors. We are simply not like them, even the “working class of Glasgow and the working class of Liverpool” have a gigantic chasm between them.

but “racism” is so wrong; entirely wrong to demonise and hate, an entire group of people, simply because of THE WAY THEY ALL BEHAVE, repeatedly and incorrigibly

there comes a point when the irritation turns to hatred; you hate their fucking accents, their inbuilt assumptions about themselves – the anglo reality distortion field – we were the good guys, honest – we did nothing wrong – their condescension, their narcissism – everything is either about them or how it relates to them, no one has an independent existence, history or culture beyond that which is associated with them; and the corollary of narcissism – the production of victimhood at a stroke, when their victims seek to defend themselves; oh no, you are a racist for wanting to defend yourself against their predations. “Hate” and “Racism” are the natural tools of self defence; embrace them, for they make you strong.

Scotland and the Scots have only one enemy, an eternal enemy, which makes all others trivial in comparison.

the Anglo.

– but even worse are the tr4itors in our own midst. See the “harkis” and “pied noirs” all around you.

It is right to hate the hateful; doing so without guilt is liberating, to know one is right. Love your people, hate your enemies and do not be fooled by them.

Wings Over Scotland | Daydream Nation

Dorothy Devine

18 July, 2024 at 2:21 pm

I just want to greet – it looks as though I will be pushing up daisies long before my country is restored.

I hate them.

John C

18 July, 2024 at 2:52 pm

Independence is dead as a political issue in Scotland for the next few years.

Make that a generation at least. The damage done by the SNP is in my view irreparable & it’ll take either a new political party to take up the reigns (Alba are completely useless) or for the SNP to hit rock bottom which it’s nowhere near yet. Then in the wake of that the party is flushed out and reformed.

This fact is understandably painful and difficult to come to terms with for anyone who’s devoted the last 13 years to pursuing that cause and now isn’t quite sure what to do with itself.

This needs to be said over and over. We can go on marches, wave a few flags, talk the talk while rattling donation tins & posting links for donations but as a political cause it is for now over. Sure, support is still there but most people have other priorities right now & there’s no way back in the short term for the cause.

Of course groups like Believe in Scotland, the SNP & all the usual grifters will carry on milking indy supporters for every penny they can. The fact is the world of Scottish politics is in such a bad state that it’s just throwing money and time away.

Until we come to terms what’s been done in the last decade then they’ll be no way forward for indy or politics generally, and to add to things, today the Covid inquiry has condemned the Westminster government and all the devolved ones for failing to do their jobs during the crisis. That’s another failure sitting on Sturgeon’s shoulders to add to all the others.

I don’t know the solution but I do think people have got to stop fooling themselves that we’re getting independence any time in the next 10-20 years.

Tinto Chiel

18 July, 2024 at 3:08 pm

Sounds like an Angus Robertson kinda thing now that Woko Haram’s on the slide.

Big Jock

18 July, 2024 at 3:29 pm

There is a solution, but it will probably take two Holyrood terms. So I am talking about 2031 here.

The SNP will carry on until 2026 in the same failed vein. They will inevitably lose. In tandem with this bogus party. We need all the splinter parties to unite and form one party , along with the few decent ex SNP MP’s and MSP’s. Because the SNP is about to be torn apart , and the rebels will be useful to the new party. The Yes voters need a new credible party. They may only win 7 seats at Holyrood, but it’s a beginning.

Come 2031 these numbers could form a majority, assuming the SNP throw in the towel. This is all wishful thinking, but there is no other way.

The common enemy is not WM , it’s the SNP. United we can take their cosy seats off them.


18 July, 2024 at 4:32 pm

3.24pm “Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says”

I agree, Fearghas. Right now, Salvo offers the only sliver of hope of keeping the dream alive. And although the current situation seems eternally depressing, none of us can predict events with certainty, not even Rev Stu, even given his successful prediction record. For that reason, I follow Salvo developments with the view that they are for now our only potential path.

Scots have never given up in the past, not even when the indy movement was a joke, outwith the fringes of society, and I doubt if we can completely give up now. I no longer expect indy in my lifetime, but then at one time I would never have expected a Scottish Parliament in my lifetime or an indy referendum. And it was international pressure that brought Holyrood into being.

Of course the UK is a rogue state now and ignores most international pressures under the wing of US and NATO. But just sometimes, events take a massive and unexpected turn. “It is better to travel in hope…” than not to travel at all.


18 July, 2024 at 4:44 pm

What Dorothy Devine said.

I’m a good bit younger and I really want to make sure the rats, who betrayed us all, get their comeuppance.

The faces of all the nuSNP grifting MPs who lost their seats was priceless. And that is just the start of the payback.

As more sordid revelations occur, more people will see Sturgeon for what she is. And, more importantly, what she and her cabal did.

And, we can all look forward to Sturgeon’s nuSNP cabal fighting each other for list places.

And the upcoming court cases. Especially the court cases.


18 July, 2024 at 5:08 pm

@ ross: “what was Canon Kenyon Wright’s Convention during the Thatcher years?”

I think it was similar to the Salvo and BliS suggestions i.e. a mix of civic institutions – church, trade unions – and others.

However Canon Wright was a sincere and principled person who would not truckle to the State or any political party. “We are the people and we say Yes” he said – stirring stuff. So Salvo are his successors, in my view.

Zander Tait

18 July, 2024 at 5:37 pm

David Davies today at Westminster raising again, the attempted lynching of Alex Salmond by the SG the SNP the COPFS and many others.

Using parliamentary privilege he does not miss and hit the wall. He states clearly that it was Liz Lloyd who leaked the Salmond charges to the Daily Retard.

The response from the all new Labour Scotland Office?

Not a lot.


18 July, 2024 at 5:57 pm

A creature of the SNP’s recently unemployed and another opportunity for the blue haired biology deniers to hijack a pro-Indy organisation and steer it towards their Transutopia. All that’s left to do is to kick the SNP square between the legs in 2026 and take the rest of the decade off.

I recon we’ll only achieve Indy when England becomes such a social, ethnic, political and economic basket case that the English living here come around to the idea of an Indy Scotland as a last refuge of white, christian, anglo-centric values.

Until that happens, I’m seriously considering upping sticks and letting the Irish give me back what the English took away…my EU citizenship and my passport out of here. Always said if Scotland won’t leave the UK, then I’ll leave Scotland. Brexit complicates that somewhat, but doesn’t make it impossible.

Dave Llewellyn

18 July, 2024 at 6:41 pm

I wonder if the person who did their projections was the same person who did their miracle numbers of 25000 in Edinburgh on a patch of grass that previous YES events organisers had done the risks assessment asked for by the SPCB security as safe for 5000 people. Everything GMK does is ” fake it til you make it ” . The only way he could make anywhere near these numbers would to have Kelly Given threaten to shag anyone who refused to sign up .

Antoine Roquentin

18 July, 2024 at 6:43 pm

For some, Salvo/Liberation are just way too ambitious! How dare they use pertinent, extant documentation to make the case internationally for Scottish decolonisation at the UN! How dare they eschew the well trodden and utterly pointless political party route to independence! How dare they suggest that we Scots are a colonised people!

Why am I strongly reminded of the vast number NO voters who never once visited Wings over Scotland or knew about the existence of the McCrone Report or the true economic picture vis-a-vis Scotland and the UK treeasury in the run-up to the 2014 referendum?

ronald anderson

18 July, 2024 at 7:10 pm

I hivnae goat any gauze tae cover ma ear do yous think anybody would notice if i used ah teabag Ah la Trump .


18 July, 2024 at 7:44 pm

David Davis is talking about a witness telling him that Liz Lloyd leaked the documents about the Salmond allegations to the press.

This will be taken up by the Scottish police immediately, I expect.

And be all over BBC Scotland and the Scottish press.

Robert Hughes

18 July, 2024 at 8:37 pm

” not buying it … ”

Who gives a quark of fuck what you ” buy ” or don’t ” buy ” ?
It’s not about you .

What Salvo/Liberation are trying to do is too big to fit into the microscopic sterile cube that is your imagination : the desert where original thinking goes to die .

We don’t know if what those groups are doing will bear fruit in a tangible way, ie be constructive in the realisation of our ambition .

We don’t know BECAUSE IT HASN’T BEEN TRIED , YET ; and the ridiculous amount of hostility from within the Independence support ( can’t call it the Independence Movement , its currently stalled ) & and it’s alleged Leading Lights , the relentless negativity directed at people 100% committed to helping the Cause has been a painful reminder of Scots’ depressing tendency to spurn possible advantages and waste precious time/energy fighting among ourselves .

BTW …I don’t think we can ” forget ” about Independence , ” focus on other things ” or write it off for ” a generation ” just because it’s not on the horizon ATM . It MIGHT take that long , who knows ? But if we ASSUME it’s definitely going to take that long , it will ; or it might never happen .

How can we be sure support won’t wither away from lack of interest , lack of nutrition , if no one is talking/thinking about it ?


19 July, 2024 at 9:59 am

Politicians and political parties are the problem. They are merely the dumb agents of corporations and billionaires. The problem can never be part of the solution.

Salvo have the right way of it: citizen power. BiS have noticed this and so set out to thwart it. Ignore them.

Wings Over Scotland | Let Justice Be Done


18 July, 2024 at 8:35 pm

As long as we have the premise of guilty until proven innocent, masquerading as so-called corroboration, we will never have justice. Its a system open to abuse and injustice, all in the name of spending less on the police. God forbid they do real police work. The legal system is an arse

John C

18 July, 2024 at 8:39 pm

Good lord!

That’s put the cat very much amongst the pigeons. There now has to be a case that establishes who did what, though I suspect right now there’s a lot of people crapping themselves. Obviously one needs to be careful what’s said as we don’t have the same parliamentary privilege as Davis, but it’s good this is now in the open.

Lorna Campbell

18 July, 2024 at 9:19 pm

The cracks are appearing. The pressure will build. T


18 July, 2024 at 9:31 pm

Lorna Campbell
Ignored says:
18 July, 2024 at 9:19 pm
The cracks are appearing. The pressure will build. The dam will burst.

Hope so Lorna. COPFS, Polis, Civil Service, Press. All guilty,
All have reasons to not let justice to be done. The police are the only one of these institutions I would rate as likely to do their jobs honestly in the absence of political interference. The Crown office have all the evidence they need why aren’t they prosecuting?


18 July, 2024 at 9:37 pm

It’s a start, I notice there’s a total media blackout on this though. They managed to keep it out the media long enough that people don’t care. I absolutely believe there’s been some favours from the police and prosecution service to protect the leak. Why else would things drag on so long.

If Davis is covered by parliamentary privilege he should name the main accuser in the Salmond trial, that might get some peoples attention.

Alf Baird

18 July, 2024 at 10:26 pm

“make Scotland a more just and accountable country”

Highly doubtful in a colonial society where the purpose of state institutions is to protect the interest of the colonial power. ‘Self-rule’ in a colony is a mirage; what we see is Lord Lugard’s ‘indirect rule’.


18 July, 2024 at 11:41 pm

All that toxic wee bastard Sturgeon and her cohorts including Swinney have achieved in nigh ten years is to turn this country into a banana republic without the bananas.

If wishes could come true I’d wish every one of these oxygen thieves the vilest of terminal conditions, because whatever Hell might have in store for them isn’t enough.

Other than The Times, not a single MSM outlet makes mention of D Davis, nor was any SNP bench warmer present in the House to listen.

Tells you all you need know about the SNP and the British Establishment. A relationship most eloquently summarised by George Orwell – “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

Lewis Moonie

18 July, 2024 at 11:42 pm

Alex and I were both elected to Westminster in 1987. I’m happy to say that we remained friends throughout our time there and since, despite the fact that we represented different parties, though he knew that I supported independence (and still do).
It never crossed my mind when this sorry affair was raised publicly that he would have committed these offences.
I was delighted when a Scottish jury took the same view.
David Davis, another friend from the same intake has finally exposed the actions that led to his trial, and rightly named those responsible.
It’s time for them to face justice themselves.

Robert Hughes

19 July, 2024 at 8:33 am

It wouldn’t matter if the Stooge stood in front of a TV camera and said ..” I wiz me whit dunnit , aw it , the plot tae chib Salmond , that wiz ma idea “… the Cult would still not believe their guru is anything other than a divine fusion of Mother Teresa n Joan D’Arc , possessed of the strategic genius of Sun Tzu & the wisdom of Solomon , natch .

The disembodied spectres who flutter , moth-like , around the dim , guttering candlelight provided by paid apologist sites like , eg WGD , wailing pitifully for their Golden Age when the Tories were still around to blame everything on and provide an all-engulfing smokescreen for the consistent failures of the Stusafinney Caliphate of Clowns ; people who screamed ” Conspiracy Theory ” at any departure from the * Covid * Hysteria group-think dogma are now declaring that Sturgeon is the victim of a plot by WM because – wait for it – I actually read this – they considered her the greatest threat to the * Union * – no , really , some people actually believe that ludicrous fantasy .

Yes , according to them the victim here is Sturgeon .

” Ladies & Gentlemen we are floating in Space ” .

Untethered from any recognisable reality , hopelessly adrift in a political vacuum , moving inexorably towards a Black Hole of Utter Folly : a Wormhole leading to a bizarre universe where an outlandish mutant species formed by the merging of BLiS & BiS rule over a race of castrated sheep-like creatures , fed on a diet of green carrots and pecked-at incessantly by strange wingless birds they call Wishart’s Tits .

Future to the Back


19 July, 2024 at 8:36 am

Got me thinking… thinking out loud… Maybe I should mull it over for a bit…

But while David Davis is refreshingly clear and succinct in his speech, it becomes clear that to a huge extent, the rehabilitation of Alex Salmond’s political career relies upon UK Parliamentary process and protocol. Do away with that option, and you’d deny yourself access to a wide variety of useful tools and unstruments.

Without putting words into Alex Salmond’s mouth, if I was in his shoes, I might be very reluctant to, say, impeach the Holyrood Government and the colonial Scotland Act while those very same “institutions” represented the most plausible route to justice and vindication.

It’s a bit like dodgy Police Officers resigning before they can be properly investigated. Were Salmond to collapse the institutons, those implicated in wrongdoing would be let off the hook. (Maybe not the best metaphor to use in the circumstances).

Again, thinking out loud, I wonder whether this is a factor in Salmond’s thinking, and goes some way to expain why Salmond’s defence seems pedestrian and lacklustre, while many believe he is being weak when he should be tearing down the house and gettin’ intae them!

While I find these delays insufferable, I imagine it’s equally so for Mr Salmond. And while I’m champing at the bit to take a match to the Scotland Act, the Salmond stitch-up is one of the very small number of issues which need to be dealt with, first, because the implications could be profound, and their effect on the political landscape of Scotland absolutely seismic.

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