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Wings readers reacting to the death of Alex Salmond.

Sunday, October 20, 2024
55 mins

Wings Over Scotland | The fleas on the ticks on the midgets


3 days ago

Superb, rev. What we needed – you put on the hazmat suit and swim through the shite so we don’t have to.

– I didn’t read all of these pricks – I knew what it would be like, but I caught ramsays nasty piece and small’s pathetic “no more heroes”.

Marie Clark

Reply to  Confused

3 days ago

Correct Confused, well said. God love you Stu for having o trawl through that utter bilge.

These bottom of the barrel scum, laughingly called “reporters” bring a bad name to decent ones. It must be sad to live such a life just looking to disbarage others.
There’s a special place in hell for such swamp crawling


3 days ago

Absolutely sickening that vermin posing as journalists could get away with such unfounded, unproven slanderous remarks.
Could these remarks be taken to court?
No man in this country has been better cleared of any sexual criminality than Alex Salmond. Ask the 3 Judges and majority female jury who acquired him on all accounts.

These people should be behind bars for printing stories beneath their normal gutter journalism.


Reply to  Effijy

3 days ago

Unfortunately you cannot libel the dead. Which is why they all knew they were perfectly safe in trotting out that cack knowing he cannot come after them.

Eileen Mae CARSON

3 days ago

TBH there are only one or two journalists who have scribed responsibly and in a dignified way as befits the death of Alex Salmond. Most have (as you show here) covered themselves in sh!te which their perverted and fertile imaginations produce. Karma gets them all in the end, I hope sooner rather than later. #Justice4Salmond


3 days ago

I noticed that Richard Tice of Reform UK supported David Davies in his eulogy for Salmond in Parliament. Is it possible for friends and family of Mr Salmond to work with these 2 MPs to continue the campaign to seek justice for him? (Tice, who has played such a sterling role in building Reform, spoke movingly of the advice he received from Mr Salmond).

Stuart MacKay

3 days ago

That’s quite some bile from Farquharson, but why bother? Who is he trying to impress?

Robert Louis

3 days ago

Excellent skewering of the tawdry sad wee jobbies of Scotland. Sitting at home, furiously writing poison about a great man, one of Scotland’s finest, they barely knew. All for a wee bit cash for their lies and smears.

It is odd that so many of these creeps who think of themselves as ‘journalists’ feel better qualified in Scots law, than a Scottish law lord. Mibbes they actually have studied and practiced law for decades, mibbes they are secretly high court law lords, and haven’t told us?? I doubt it, many just think they are sleekit, lying scum.

Sad wee people, filling their lives with hate, and venom, just to get a few coins from foreign ‘media’ publisher, and keep their ‘handlers’ in London happy.

You are right Rev, they are maggots. Alex Salmond is not even buried yet.

St Cuthbert

3 days ago

Another brilliantly forensic article reminding us of just how sick these people are. I want to know what motivates them to behave this way and i keep coming to the conclusion that they hate Scotland and Scottishness. AS in his words and deeds demonstated that we could be better than our big neighbour. He delivered a competent government that produced significant improvement in every social indicator. They hated that. They want us to remain second class and in awe of London. He was also much smarter than them and usually argued for the moral position, something that Farquharson and the others are incapable of. He was also down to earth in world that reeks of snobbery, maybe that was his biggest crime in their eyes, at least.

London Scot

3 days ago

Sadly my English hard copy of the Times has not featured the articles by Farquerson, Cochrane et al so I am unable to line my cat’s litter tray with their ‘bon mots’.

This Scottish Tory & Unionist (living in England) was disgusted by their words about Salmond. He was as they say ‘a man of parts’. A flawed man of course but a great man none the less, unlike the snivelling, pathetic professional student union politicians that have run the party after he resigned.He was respected by opponents accross the political spectrum. And he knew what a woman was.

It was hardly Weinstein/Epstein/Savile/Fayed stuff. Flirtatious behaviour but no one’s career or safety was threatened if they rebuffed him. Flicking a curl FGI. As for the sleepy cuddle, I am sure many colleagues away on business have got tipsy & ended up snoozing next to each other on a hotel bed with nothing sexual happening.

Interestingly if NS et all were really concerned about ‘inappropriate behaviour’ whilst Salmond was leader why did they wait to 2017 before raising the issue? If you take their story at face value then they were covering up for political reasons and were therefore complicit.


Reply to  London Scot

3 days ago

I despise those who persist in coming out with this shite about ‘flawed behaviour’, ‘flawed man’ and the rest of that bollox! Alex was NO MORE FLAWED than anyone else in Scotland, uk and the world. Not one bit! And he had more honour and integrity in his little finger than these commenters have in their entire, miserable, flawed and imperfect bodies! With not one redeeming factor among them!

Broughty Boy

3 days ago

Val McDermid on BBC R4 Today on Monday was something else- she could barely wait to launch into a tirade of lies.

It was also revealing- clearly sent out by Nicola & Liz, but also planned on Sunday & BBC likely proactively contacted.

Could they sink any lower?

Bottom of the barrel indeed.


3 days ago

Despicable what they’re doing. Alex Salmond hasn’t even been buried yet but these cretinous excuses posing as ‘journalists’ are profiting handsomely to write blatant lies over things that have already been disproved in a court of law.

Fcking dregs. Let’s hope karma blows this shit right back at them at some stage.

This will have a smattering of the security services behind it too with instructions to release the attack dogs to print hit pieces hoping it sticks. They cant have the Scots mourn Salmond as a hero, or reignite the independence movement, so will attack his character knowing there is nothing can be done about it now.

I expect this to get a lot worse before, during & after he is laid to rest. They’re the scum of the earth & I hope their forty pieces of silver fcking choke them & it’s their last.


3 days ago

I’m sure that these scandalmongers will all be getting a nice present from the Integrity Initiative this Christmas.

The similarity of their articles really would make you think that they’re written from the same notes.

Well done on protecting the narrative, boys.


3 days ago

A fine post Stu, consistent with all of the information previously shared.

It’s truly horrible to see lies and smears perpetuated by national press, broadcasters and Sturgeon supporters.

As someone who didn’t particularly agree with Salmond politically, their approach, supposedly to bury the man’s reputation, has the opposite effect.

People can see the corruption, the cover ups, the false allegations and the perversions of justice exactly for what they are.

Far from attracting support for their views, they are repulsive opportunists. People who could not wait to continue their vendettas, safe from repercussions from the deceased.

It doesn’t need a conspiracy theory to question the integrity, professionalism, or human decency of these people and the organisations they are affiliated to.

They are a disgrace to our country, regardless of the politics one holds.

Corrado Mella

3 days ago

In case none of you have realised yet, these abhorrent narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths are baiting for a heavy handed, violent physical reaction to their gaslighting filth, to play the victim afterwards.

There are two ways of dealing with such a disgusting behaviour: ostentatiously ignore, dismiss, belittle and diminish, or return such an effective hit that nothing is left. Full obliteration.

A retort, tit-for-tat response will only lead to further escalation, because that’s the game of these mentally insane cretins: poke, poke, poke, stab, stab, stab, until someone blows a gasket.


Make your choice. And stick with it.


3 days ago

It never ceases to amaze me the number of “journalists” or “commentators” passing themselves off as fourth estate today who:

(a) appear to have lost ability to research simple facts (b) opine about the moral standing of others whilst they malign a recently deceased just as that person’s loved ones struggle to comprehend the immediacy of their loss.

The former skill would better instruct them as to why Scotland both has the acquittal verdicts it does and what each actually means (helping their copy no-end) and the latter would give rise to a level of introspection where they might discover the most basic level of humanity.

Al Harron

3 days ago

The final two paragraphs are exactly how I feel.

Alex Salmond’s contributions to Scotland have assured his place in history. Nothing any of these whimpering nothings could say or do, combined, could amount to a percentage of a fraction of what he did for us.

And the thing is, this will be proven thusly much sooner than I think any of them will realise. The hounding of Alex Salmond was so full of failure & idiocy that it is simply infeasible for it to be swept under the rug. They are telling on themselves, and setting themselves up for the sort of shame that would mortify honest humans.

Sally Hughes

3 days ago

Thank you for that. The British Establishment are desperate to ensure no-one remembers Alex’s achievements. That’s the reason for this.
What they fail to take stock of, is their current behaviour is not sitting well with folk… from across the spectrum. And it’s causing them to discuss Alex… and his achievements.
The Big Man would have seen that. Might even have raised a smile at their stupid.
Here’s tae the Harp oh the North, built on time and under budget, a bridge that kept most of Scotland’s industry occupied for 10 years, when Austerity first did its rounds.
Here’s tae, railways renewed and by-passes finally built, tae Free Scripts, and Education for all, but most of all, for giving us all, after over 300 years, a chance, the first chance, to get a say, on whether we wanted to be in this wretched Union.

John C

3 days ago

The more I read that Novara article, the more angry I become. I always expected Farquharson to drool at the thought of attacking Salmond once he was dead, but that Ramsay piece is vile.

And yes, Novara is dripping with antisemitic, classist, so-called ‘communists’ who’ve never done anything positive in their lives. I’d also forgotten how several of their contributors celebrated the murders of innocent young people at a rave last year. They’re not exactly helping the image of the Corbynite left as one where antisemitism and elitism is rife.

Also, the far left have a shockingly bad reputation when it comes to women. The SWP have had multiple incidents of rape and assaults, & Novara are perfectly happy supporting rapists being put in women’s prisons. I stopped hanging around those circles years ago but I still know people involved & even they say these organisations are full of predators.

The clear intention of these people isn’t just to smear Salmond now he’s dead but to scare off anyone who might threaten the new Scottish establishment. It’s the Lyndon B Johnson method of political attack but on a dead man.

link to washingtonmonthly.com

Lorna Campbell

Reply to  John C

3 days ago

Yes, John C, the hard left is the worst of the lot. Their misogyny knows no bounds. Marx himself was a misogynist of the highest degree who wrote of class disadvantages, but was incapable of seeing that his own wife was a drudge in his service. Self-awareness is not a big thing with the hard left Anyone who challenges them on anything is accused of being right-wing.

It has become all but impossible to say that the ‘trans’ lobby is the vehicle for hard left, post structuralism which, if enacted, would take us back to Year Zero. The virtue-signallers are probably the most brain-dead people who have walked the Earth, which they would probably claim is flat, all the time feeling virtuous and self-righteous because they believe that they are doing good by pretending to believe that men can be women on their own say-so.


3 days ago

The innocent man isn’t afraid of the truth. Its the guilty who’s are afraid of the innocent man.

The people who scorn Mr Salmond are jealous but they’ll never know the true love and respect the Scots have for the man who became the father of Scotland.

Its all about tarnishing the man in order to tarnishing what the man achieved. He and only he, no one else got us a referendum and no one will again, FACT. For me Mr Salmond was a great man who people will talk about ten and twenty years from now and what he achieved, that’s whats important to me and that what I’ll remember.

I know Salmond said his deepest regret was resigning, for me it was not allowing only people born In Scotland to vote in the referendum. They say the pen is mightier that sword, well I would argue with that in Mr Salmond case. Here is a man who singly awoke the Scots to nationalism and to the very idea that we would one day hold in our hands a Scottish passport and be Scottish once again.

Its appalling that the only way to make money is to make a innocent man guilty again knowing he isn’t able to defend himself.


3 days ago

Personally, I find that trying so ardently to ping dirt on a dead man that cannot defend himself is the lowest of the low. But, whilst these individuals might be truly worthless opportunistic cowards, one cannot help but wonder what their real motive may be. And the more they resource to hyperbole, the bigger that curiosity grows.

What do they stand to win by destroying the reputation of a dead man?

Other than money and risking losing their readership, I cannot see what else they stand to get from this. However, there are too many of them operating at once to consider this an isolated event, therefore, one starts to wonder if this move could be part of an organised strategic campaign to completely destroy Mr Salmond’s reputation before HR2026.

Who could have orchestrated such strategy?

To answer that question, we will need to find out first what the real motives behind destroying Mr Salmond’s reputation can possibly be. Three obvious ones spring to mind:

  1. to force a stop in the inconvenient court cases
  2. To kill the idea of independence by discrediting the only man who was ever close to deliver it.
  3. to stop hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised ex-SNP voters casting a vote for Alba

Who could have those motives? Who could still see a dead man as a big threat?

a. The conspirators, perjurers and those supporting them.
b. a British establishment desperate to stop Scotland’s independence.

Worthless opportunistic cowards do not run to protect random perjurers and conspirators, unless they are so linked to them that both stand to sink if one goes. Or unless those perjurers are connected to something much bigger the opportunists can feed from.

So, what is the likelihood that groups a. and b. are interlinked? If so, how are they interlinked? What/Who is the connecting link?

How many members of the secret service were involved in the conspiracy against Mr Salmond?

How many members of the secret service or useful idiots of the secret service are currently involved in this ongoing and deliberate discrediting campaign against a deceased man?

Well, we know this:

“The Guardian, Britain’s leading liberal newspaper with a global reputation for independent and critical journalism, has been successfully targeted by security agencies to neutralise its adversarial reporting of the ‘security state’, according to newly released documents and evidence from former and current Guardian journalists”
Quoted from Kennard & Curtis, published in Declassified UK on 10 September 2019.

Isn’t the Guardian where two of those opportunists wrote their pieces?

Mr Craig Murray recently published this in his blog:
“He was also focused on Liz Lloyd whom he believed to be a MI5 agent. He said that Lloyd had no connection to Scottish Independence and had initially been placed inside the SNP as an intern to an MP (or MSP, I forget) by a British Government graduate training scheme”
quoted from his Article “Alex Salmond. Always My Hero”, published on 13 October 2024.

Well, wasn’t Liz Lloyd one of the people giving evidence during the Parliamentary Inquiry? Didn’t one of the other civil servants mentioned in an email that her interference was “very bad”? Wasn’t she mentioned by David Davies under parliamentary privilege as being linked to the leak to the newspaper? Wasn’t she also in the jolly boys and girls picture?

Wasn’t there another civil servant who could not be interviewed on camera and instead just answered a few questions over the phone, so we cannot know if somebody was with her in the room giving her the answers? Lloyd was not interviewed either. She simply submitted an statement. Why?

If Mr Salmond’s suspicions were correct and this individual is Mi5, we already got someone right in the middle of it. But there might be more.

Mr Murray also wrote this on Twitter:
“I can confirm that Harvie spent some time in FCO Legal Advisers on secondment from MI5. His official title in Scotland is “Crown Agent”. Oversaw prosecutions of Salmond, Hirst, Llewellyn, Singh, myself, etc, etc.”
published on Twitter on 14 September 2022

Oh Dear, that would be also an MI5 stuck right in the Crown Office.

The attack on Mr Salmond was the result of a collusion between the UK civil Service, the Crown Office, the Police and the SNP. So far, we have a suspected MI5 right in the middle of the civil service and another in the Crown Office involved. What are the odds that there are also some in the SNP and also the Police? Could the whole thing have been concocted and directed by the secret service but executed by their useful idiots, a few ambitious airheads and foolish narcissists?

The Scotsman told us this already in 2005:
“Since the agency (MI5)’s officers have no power to arrest or charge suspects, they necessarily work closely with the police, especially Special Branch”

Right, didn’t the Crown Agent Harvie colluded with the civil service and instigated the police investigation against Mr Salmond?

The Scotsman told us this already in 2005:
“All the major Scottish police forces maintain their own Special Branch squad and often co-operate with visiting MI5 officers: in 2002 and 2003, terrorism suspects were detained in Edinburgh and Glasgow. But the creation of the Glasgow bureau will mark the first time the agency has had a fixed presence north of the Border.
The final site of the Glasgow office is uncertain, but Pacific Quay, home to the Scottish Criminal Records Office, sometimes hosts seconded MI5 agents”

Right, so we have a permanent presence of MI5 agents in Scotland, plus seconded MI5 agents to Pacific Quay and visiting MI5 agents to the Scottish police. So we are infested with them everywhere.

We also know that the secret services comes to Scottish Universities to recruit often, as the MI5 Director General on June 2023 told us during his lecture “Maths and MI5: the calculations that keep the country safe” (delivered in Glasgow University, on June 2023):

“That’s why I’m delighted, for example, that this summer we are running a data science and machine learning summer experience, delivered jointly with the Alan Turing Institute. This will allow school-age students – particularly those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds – to learn about data science and its application to national security. This is all in the hope that these young people and their peers consider a future career in defence and security and in AI.
I’m sure we’ll get strong take-up.”

So they appear to be targeting those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Presumably making them offers they cannot refuse.

How many “reporters” are security service or actively working with security services against Scotland’s independence?

How many security service operatives are based at the new UK government building in Edinburgh?

Why could the security services possibly feel so threatened by Mr Salmond when alive and why could they still be so desperate to make Mr Salmond’s memory, as a much loved and admired political leader, disappear?

There is only one plausible explanation for me:
Mr Salmond did not really lose the 2014 referendum. And for as long as his memory, inspiration and energy remain alive in our minds, the same will happen again.

Was that the reason why they denied us a referendum?


Reply to  Mia

3 days ago

Excellent comment Mia – I recall the SNP paying for a tutor, to train staff on how to answer questions with an inquiry in mind – The John Smith Centre at the UoG is a Mi5 safe house – as is Kensington House in Glasgow – and Queen Elizabeth House in Edinburgh – there are other safe houses for them in Scotland – usually they are government buildings.

Scotland is hoaching with useful idiots/informants for the union – and our parliament, judicary, COPFS, police force etc has more than its fair share of them.

Robert Louis

Reply to  Mia

3 days ago

The likes of MI5 are enemies of Scotland and Scottish democracy. At every turn they wil do their utmost to thwart an end to English rule over Scotland. That is, after all, their job. They work for England, not Scotland.

And yes, the ‘uk (English) colonial government’ building in Edinburgh, is indeed, likely hoaching with them. Nothing else really happens there. Probably why it was actually built in the first place.

Robert Hughes

Reply to  Aidan

3 days ago

Anyone STILL using the term ” tin foil hat ” at this late stage , when we know the depths ” our ” State apparatus will plumb , the endless , brain-numbing lies , how it orchestrates coordinated attacks on anyone/thing exposing it’s bad faith & lunatic policies is either naive to the point of imbecility or fully behind such State abuse of power .

There are supposed intelligent adults in and around Government telling us , eg Men can become Women and vice-a-versa , and you are still trotting-out the hackneyed would-be dismissal trope of ” tin foil hat ” . Just what the State prefers , complaisant/compliant drones unable/willing to accept their supposed benefactor couldn’t give a solitary fuck about ” the people ” , cares only for it’s monopoly of Power and will go to any lengths to preserve this Power .

The recent joke used to be ….

Q .What’s the difference between a ” Conspiracy Theory ” & a ” Conspiracy ” fact ?

A . About 5 years .

Now the answer is – about 6 months .

Remember the totally contrived hysteria around ” Covid ” – how we were COMMANDED to wear ridiculous masks ( some even complied with this to the extent of wearing a mask whilst driving in their cars – alone ! ) and socially distance ? Bet you don’t remember how it came-out , in fact , was admitted , that those two commands were completely worthless , made-up nonsense , which done more harm than good – likewise Lockdown , the damage from which is still being felt , economically , in mental health terms and in young people’s interrupted education & social interaction .

Rather a ” tin foil hat ” than rose-tinted glasses & clown suit


Reply to  Aidan

3 days ago

Mia has already given you sources.


We also know that the secret services comes to Scottish Universities to recruit often, as the MI5 Director General on June 2023 told us during his lecture “Maths and MI5: the calculations that keep the country safe” (delivered in Glasgow University, on June 2023):

“That’s why I’m delighted, for example, that this summer we are running a data science and machine learning summer experience, delivered jointly with the Alan Turing Institute. This will allow school-age students – particularly those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds – to learn about data science and its application to national security. This is all in the hope that these young people and their peers consider a future career in defence and security and in AI.
I’m sure we’ll get strong take-up.”

A simple Google search of keywords brings up the Alan Turing institute & the Turing Summer Experience & this speech. Hardly tin foil hat shit eh?

But here’s one for you. Documentary on the lengths the English & the security services have went to, over decades, to retain Scotlands wealth & quash Independence, the SNP & even infiltrate the SNP themselves & as you are so keen on evidence the presenter is even in Kew showing hard evidence of recently unlocked government files.

A mix of English & subtitles for the parts in Gaelic. Starting with documents on the McCrone report & documents everything through the ages from the fake blowing up of post boxes to fury of stealing the Stone of Destiny.

Do come back after you’ve watched it & spout pish about tin foil hats.

Eejits like you believe MI5 only exists in other far off places yet ignores their biggest threat to wealth & international status living right next door to it. Aye right! Gies peace! Its you that’s the fantasist.



Reply to  Aidan

2 days ago

“How do you “know” any of this?”

By reading other sources than the BBC and by routinely applying reasoning and critical thinking to what I read.

My comment above indicates some sources and the train of thought that, when combined with the recent disparaging articles against Mr Salmond, have prompted:

To access the quotes I mentioned, you can go here:

“Maths and MI5: the calculations that keep the country safe” Published on 30 June 2023 on the section “News and Speeches” of the website “Security Service MI5” Accessed 17 October 2024
and here:
On 5 February 2021 at 5:50, Mr Murray added the following comment to his article “In Conversation with Mark McNaught”, published on the 5 February 2021 on his blog:
“Yes, Harvie was in the FCO at the same time as me and I can confirm he was formerly full time MI5″

And here:
The following quote was taken from the article “Alex Salmond. Always My Hero”, published by Mr Murray on his blog on the 13 October 2024:

“But what stays with me most about that evening, in a bedroom of the George Hotel in Edinburgh, is that what he told me made it absolutely obvious that the plot against him was initiated in and directed from Nicola Sturgeon’s office. He was plainly in huge emotional pain over this.
He was also focused on Liz Lloyd, whom he believed to be an MI5 agent. He said that Lloyd had no connection to Scottish Independence and had initially been placed inside the SNP as an intern to an MP (or MSP, I forget) by a British Government graduate training scheme”

And here:
“How the UK Security Services neutralised the country’s leading liberal newspaper”Written by Kennard, M & Curtis, M and published on the website “Declassified UK” on 10 September 2019.

If you are keen to read more, continuing in the same website, you can also amuse yourself by reading these other articles like this one:
“Revealed: After clearing MI5 of torture, Keir Starmer attended its chief’s leaving party” written by Kennard, M and published on “Declassified UK” on the 25 May 2023
or this one:

“How UK military and spy agencies are weaponising social justice” Written by India, F and published on “Declassified UK” on 30 March 2022
or this one, which I particularly like:
“FILM REVIEW: “The man who knew too much”, written by Nasser, U and published on “Declassified UK” on 4 October 2021.I was particularly interested in the “Clockwork Orange” operation. My immediate question was: was it and is it still being used against Mr Salmond?

You can also amuse yourself reading this one:
“UK information operations in the time of coronavirus” written by King, C and Miller, D and published on “Declassified Uk” on 30 September 2020.In this article, I point you towards the paragraphs speaking of Mr Douglas Chapman and the paragraphs talking about the comments of Stewart McDonald and his suggestions for a “national resilience force” which, in his words, “could be adopted by the UK gov on a larger scale”.

But of course, by Mr McDonald’s acknowledgement according to the article, “his thinking was heavily influenced by the Modern Deterrence Project, an influential think tank with close ties to the British defence establishment”.

By the look of it, this is something they were keen to put in practice as per this comment in the article: “The proposal was greeted warmly in the New Statesman which noted that the project’s director, Elisabeth Braw, was liaising directly with McDonald on the issue. Braw called for all government agencies linked to national security, including the National Health Service, to be able to select 18-year-olds for training in a variety of disciplines.”

Let me know if you would like me to point you towards more information that is freely available on the internet and therefore in the public domain.

Enjoy the reading.


Reply to  Aidan

14 hours ago

“That does not go any way to proving that one civil servant is an MI5 agent does it”

Indeed it does not prove that ONE civil servant is an MI5 agent. Because there might have been/are far MORE than a single secret service operative/plant working from inside and outside that government.

Looking at how things have happened and how individuals from what should have been independent services were relocated to other jobs rather than disciplined and sacked, it is quite likely that there are several of them. And not just in the civil service, but also in the SNP, police and COPFS.

That would nicely explain why not a single one of those corrupt civil servants was ever prosecuted, never mind sacked, for embarking in a clearly politically motivated unlawful complaints procedure.

A complaints procedure that, lets not forget, looks eerily similar and almost simultaneous to the one that caused the loss of Mr Carl Sargeant’s life and which also happened to be cooked up by the UK civil service, this time based in Wales.

The existence of that case in Wales which mirrors the case in Scotland, points towards an strategy that was concocted outwith Scotland and at high levels within the UK civil service.

Embarking in the complaints procedure was in itself a gross breach of the civil service code of conduct that demands political impartiality. Yet, those civil servants were falling over themselves to rush this procedure through to trap Mr Salmond when they didn’t even have anything remotely similar, nor they ever bothered in creating it, for the civil service itself. So they were very clearly overreaching and seeking to fabricate a one-use tool to apply to an inconvenient man who was no longer bound by the ministerial code.

Yet, not a single one of those corrupt civil servants was ever disciplined, never mind sacked. Some of the most infamous ones were even awarded increases in salary or were moved to other jobs.

That is not the kind of thing you do when an employee’s gross misconduct and incompetence results in a civil court case, which trashes the employer’s reputation and punishes them with having to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds in damages. You increase an employee’s salary or promote them when you are rewarding them for walking the extra mile beyond their duties.

So who was directing them? Who/What were they walking the extra mile for?

Some of the mistakes they made and that costed the government the civil case were the kind of mistakes only amateurs would make.

Yet those were experienced, senior civil servants who knew the rules. So they knew they were breaking them. And not just that. They had legal advice during the process.

So, what/who exactly gave them the confidence that they could breach the law and break the rules with such impunity and in such a crass manner without fearing for the consequences?

Who was empowering them to feel they were above the law? That can only be the secret service, because the FM of the day could not offer any guarantees that they would be there the next day, the next month or the next year to protect them.

And which is the only entity in the UK that is above the law and outwith scrutiny?
That will be the secret service

Who has the authority, other than the courts, to impose a suppression of information of high public interest and potentially get rid of evidence that could pervert the cause of justice?
That will be the secret service.

With regards to Mr Salmond’s case, evidence was suppressed from the public on industrial scale. And that suppression of information continues today.

There are two sides suppressing that information, the Scottish government and the COPFS. Why are the alphabetes being protected and given forever anonymity when they were not even recognised as “victims” by a jury of their peers and when their claims were completely trashed in a court of law?

The excuse of that anonymity has been conveniently abused to suppress information from the public on an industrial scale. So any documents/communication of high public interest which happened to have the names of these individuals were heavily redacted, never mind if those documents had anything to do with the criminal case or not.

The judge that conferred anonymity to those individuals was on record stating that it was ridiculous that such anonymity was being used by the government to redact any document that had the name of these people. Clearly that was never the purpose behind giving them legal anonymity.

So the order to suppress that information did not come from the court. So where did the authority to suppress information from the public when that anonymity did not justify it, come from, exactly?

Intrusion of the secret service within the operation of the civil service in Scotland could nicely explain why so much information has been deliberately suppressed from the public by abusing the excuse of legal anonymity. It could also explain why Mr Salmond was unable to use the infamous whasapp messages and other information to defend himself in court and the parliamentary inquiry.

What/Who are those Whatsapp messages hiding? Could they be hiding the secret services operative who was coordinating the whole operation, for example?

Why exactly were those UK civil servants treating the hunting and trapping of Mr Salmond, as if it was “a war”? Since when is the job of unelected UK civil servants to get rid of Scottish political figures to preserve the union? Who was the “general” commanding this so called “Vietnam Group” into war with the man who almost brought Scotland to its independence, just because he announced his interest in returning to politics?

What possible legitimate interest could a mere civil servant have in forever removing from Scotland’s politics the man who almost delivered independence, unless they had been instructed to do so by a higher power?

When the memogate nonsense happened in 2015, the highest ranking civil servant in the UK launched a formal investigation. The culprit was easily found. Why was the investigation of the leak to the newspaper left to the incompetent Evans when it was obvious to even a toddler that she could not possibly be impartial in the matter because it happened under her watch and therefore she should have been held responsible for it?

Why wasn’t she sacked for failing to protect confidential and highly sensitive information from reaching the newspapers? Why was she rewarded for her superlative incompetence with an increase in salary after allowing an unlawful complaints procedure to proceed in the first place? Why was she rewarded after dragging the ScotGov into a civil court cases that cost the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of pounds? Why was she rewarded when she ensured the court case would continue by suppressing crucial information from their external counsel that clearly pointed to an unwinable case since day one? Why was she rewarded with an increase in salary after spectacularly failing to protect confidential information and after failing to find the culprit who, under her watch, leaked the information?

Any of those “mistakes” should have led to her dismissal for gross misconduct. So why wasn’t she sacked by her UK civil service boss?

That enormous incongruence can only be explained if she was doing all dirty work under the instruction of a higher entity that could guarantee that she would not be disciplined/sacked. That can only be her Civil Servant boss – The cabinet secretary.

Who was the cabinet secretary from 2018 to 2020? Mark Sedwill.

According to the Guardian:
“Not only was he cabinet secretary but he also occupied the role of national security adviser, an unusual arrangement that May preferred but which some felt did not provide enough variety of opinion at the very top of government”…
“With a CV suggesting connections with MI5 and MI6, Sedwill has been portrayed as a spook happier in the company of spies and soldiers rather than those who want to wield a political axe”
(Quotes extracted from The Guardian, “Relationship between No 10 and Mark Sedwill was no longer tenable”, written by Kate Proctor and published on 28 June 2020)
Sedwell became acting Cabinet Secretary in June 2018.

According to Wikipedia, he acted as UK National Security Adviser from 13 April 2017 to September 2020.

The UK GE was announced on the 18 April 2017 and took place on 8 June 2017, which is when Mr Salmond lost the seat thanks to tactical voting of unionists.

The Sky nonsense about the airport and Mr Salmond kicked in in November 2017, which was also when all the “project” of the complaints procedure both in Scotland and Wales was launched.

The leak to the newspaper took place in August 2018.

Mr Salmond was arrested in January 2019

According to Wikipedia, “In a February 2019 interview Sedwill said he would retain his role as National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister since becoming Cabinet Secretary is part of moves to make a success of Brexit”.

Right, the immediate question is: was “politically neutralising” Mr Salmond part of Mr Sedwill’s to “make a success of Brexit”?
It stands to the obvious even to a child that brexit would have never been successful should Scotland have become independent.

Mr Salmond was acquitted of all criminal charges in March 2020.

Sedwell left the position of Cabinet Secretary on 9 September 2020.

So all the monumental mess the UK civil service allocated to the Scottish government created happened under the watch of Mark Sedwell.

Yet, on the 11 September he was created “Baron Sedwill, of Sherborne in the County of Dorset

It very much looks like that incompetence and law breaking in industrial scale through bringing forward unlawful complaints procedures, allowing leakages of confidential information in direct breach of GDPR, fabricating criminal charges and political conspiracies to neutralise inconvenient people, suppression of information of high public interest by hiding on a fabricated case for anonymity, suppression of information from external council resulting in the prolonging of an unwinnable court case and the wastage of millions of pounds of thaxpayers’ money pays off when you are the highest ranking civil servant or following orders.

Also according to Wikipedia:
“He is the second Cabinet Secretary never to have worked at HM Treasury, and the first whose career has been dominated by diplomatic and security work”

Still unconvinced that the Scot Gov and, actually, all Scotland’s institutions of power were infested with spooks during the tenure of a man of the highest ranking civil service post and who was described as “a spook happier in the company of spies rather than those who want to wield a political axe”?

Do expressions such as “we lost a battle but not the war” or “the Vietnam Group” or “get him to fight in may fronts” used by civil servants perhaps start to make a bit more sense when it is known that they were used under a boss “who is happier in the company of soldiers than those who wield a political axe”?


Reply to  Mia

3 days ago


If they were so confident they’d win they’d have offered a referendum with strings attached like applying a lock or something. If it was a naw the question couldn’t be asked again for x amount of time. They didn’t.

Also Indy was winning about 10 days out from the referendum & suddenly there was hundreds of thousands only just registering to vote despite a two yr campaign in a stampede “late surge”- aye right! A few hundred I could believe. Hundreds of thousands? Naw.

Then there was the poll they locked away on the state of the union. I guess they didn’t like the attitudes & the results as they refused to hand it over saying it was a matter of national security – but here, we could let you have some cricket on the telly! That’ll unite the union. NOT. They’ve tried to bring it in to the colony via Edinburgh. Mini England.

Then there was that forever pinned Scottish Tory poll – say no to indyref2. They never published the results but they didn’t need to – the comments were enough & enlightening as ppl were outrage back in 2014 when Cameron put the boot into no voters that they were getting fck all after all. No Devo & definitely no near federalism. I think the GE 2015 was the backlash to that kick in the teeth.

Then the complete transformation of the SNP under Sturgeon & Angus Robertsons ‘reforms’ Conferences/ SNP offices hoaching with men in grey suits as Craig Murray noted. Conference agendas heavily doctored & as Iain Lawson also wrote, the capture of the NEC , getting rid of the parties National council & getting rid of party democracy paved the way for Stalins little sister to rule with an iron fist & surround herself with harpies to completely take over the party.

Holyrood needs a good clean out but it’ll never be free of spooks because Holyrood is their outpost in Scotland. It needs closing & Scotland to reconvene her own parliament. Get rid of NGOs & Lobby groups. They’re only full of plants too to sow discord & are an extension of the British state.

Iain Lawson ‘how to take over a party’

link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com


3 days ago

Apart from the identity of the accusers being a huge giveaway that this was a conspiracy( convenient that they get lifelong anonymity as revealing it would be national headlines for weeks) I don’t ever recall getting the answer to this question…

Who recorded Salmonds lawyer on the train? Are we supposed to believe it was passer by and not someone trying to dig up extra dirt.

Kenny Farquarson and Adam Ramsey should be ashamed of themselves. Justice clearly no longer exists in Scotland and is undermined by these two posh wanks.

Lorna Campbell

3 days ago

Forensically dismembered, Rev. The thing that really strikes me is how many of these bile-ridden people shout about the ‘poor’ women, but happily go overboard for ‘trans’, which sets back female rights centuries. The total lack of cognitive ability and the complete embrace of cognitive dissonance is unforgivable.

A dog with no nose could have sniffed out that they wanted rid of Mr Salmond from the political scene – some out of envy and jealousy, some out of sheer spite and some because they feared what he might do to the Union if he returned to frontline politics.

The first two complaints about Mr Salmond were made about his style, and nothing to do with sexual behaviour at all. He apologized and the women were offered other positions of equal status. They refused, and worked with him for another two years. I have always believed that they were tricked into making later statements and complaints and must now bitterly regret ever having become involved.

The procedure was flawed and illegitimate. No one else has ever been brought to book through said procedure. The Whitehall Civil Service warned Holyrood about retrospective procedures, but they ignored that advice.

Nah, they wanted him and only him. Add to that, that the security services very likely had/have people in place at Holyrood. The British State and Holyrood came together – even if inadvertently and separately, as it were – to bring him down, because neither wanted him to return to frontline politics. They both had the same agenda, but for different reasons.

Probably, the BS saw how the wind was blowing in Holyrood and decided to make hay while the sun shone – if you’ll pardon the metaphors. The Scots are the very best betrayers of Scots ever. The long line of toom tabards seems never to be exhausted.

Michael Laing

Reply to  Zander Tait

3 days ago

I doubt if many people will be willing to vote for the SNP now, and even less so if Sturgeon was to be its leader. She’s history. If the inquiries are swept under the carpet and the conspirators evade justice, there are going to be a lot of extremely angry people in Scotland who will blame Sturgeon and the SNP for that outcome. I’m sure the conspirators will be named sooner or later and the truth of what’s happened will emerge. They can’t hide the truth forever.

Robert Hughes

Reply to  Geri

2 days ago

I’m not so sure about that , Geri . Your points are well made and I think her ambitions are still for some * high profile * position within one of the Globalist entities , eg U.N , E.U or even – god forbid – NATO . It remains to be seen if the current legal cases she’s embroiled in , and their eventual outcomes ( if there ever are any ” outcomes ” ? ) will make such ambitions unlikely to be realised . If this turns-out to be the case , it wouldn’t be at all surprising if she is re-installed as First Failure of Scotland . After all , we know she absolutely craves the spotlight , being seen to be an ” important ” presence on the Political * Stage * and maybe it’s considered her destruction of the SNP is not yet total and her return will be it’s final nail in the coffin .

However , if she emerges from ” all this ” unscathed , it’s more than probable she’ll be slotted-in to some suitably extravagantly salaried Globalist position . After all , she is 100% in lockstep with every lunatic agenda being promoted by the New World Disorder adherents .

Michael Laing

Reply to  Derek

3 days ago

Alex Salmond may have been a skilled politician and confident in his abilities, but he never struck me as being someone who sought attention or fame for its own sake. In fact, I suspect he did many good things in private without seeking credit for them at all.

For someone who craves endless attention, look no further than the disgusting, evil, back-stabbing thing that took Alex Salmond’s place and squandered and wrecked everything he’d worked for.

Lenny Hartley

3 days ago

I had that twat Carlos Alba at my door in Aberdeen when he worked for the P+J in the early 90’s.
it was in relation to a letter I wrote to the P+J where I claimed that if Jesus was alive today and living in the North East of Scotland he would be a member of Settler Watch! I had the evidence, it was claimed by more than a few Biblical Scholars that he was a member of the Essenes, the Jewish hardliners who fought against Rome and committed mass suicide at Masada.
a book published then called the Dead Sea Scrolls decoded said that in the Essene Dead Sea Scrolls it says and I paraphrase coz it’s 30 odd years since I read it “Do not allow foreigners to come into your land, they will steal your houses and wealth” anyways Alba wanted to interview me about that letter, he was told to fuck off .

Alf Baird

3 days ago

The decolonization (i.e. independence) process has been played out in many countries. An oppressed people can learn a great deal from this.

Debasing and dehumanizing the colonized is a fundamental aspect, much as we see in the treatment of the authentic leaders of the movement. As is the colonizer’s ‘very solid justice system and government’ which hauds doun the fowk and protects the colonizers interest.

As the decolonization process moves into phase 3, the final phase, an oppressed people really need to know that they will either become liberated or they, their nation and culture, will continue to be exploited and ultimately perish.

link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com


Reply to  Hatey McHateface

2 days ago

“Why is that?”

Because the British establishment ensures they either can never reach a position of power or, if they do, soon become neutralised as long as they continue playing by “the rules of the game”.

Just look at what the bastards have done to Mr Salmond. They attacked him during all his political life, they destroyed his reputation, they dragged him into a fabricated criminal case and a bunch of conspirators, among which there appears to be some links to MI5, set up a plot with the purpose of sending an innocent man to prison for the rest of his life.

Now, even after his passing, the disgusting establishment vultures continue to beat and bite his memory because the cowards still see him as a threat.

And that is assuming you are ready to believe Mr Salmond died of natural causes in the same way that Mr Robin Cook did, unexpectedly, at 59, also of a heart attack and, apparently, when he was looking at his healthiest.

“If we Scots really want to be “liberated”, every democratic lever we need is freely available”

Where exactly are those “democratic levers”?
For as long as Holyrood remains with the straight jacket of the Scotland Act, there is no democratic lever. For as long as an unelected representative of the crown is gerrymandering the executive power and stealing control of the legislative power from the people of Scotland and handing it to the crown, there is no democratic lever for Scotland.
For as long as MI5 operatives and plants continue to infest our government, political parties and public services and continue to be wrapped around the neck of Scotland’s prosecution service, there is no democratic lever for Scotland.
For as long as we have a UK civil service “working to save the union” while intruding in our own government business, there is no democratic lever for Scotland.

Look at how Yousaf or Swinney were catapulted to the position of FM. Where was that democratic lever?

Look at what happened in 2014. Do you seriously believe Yes ever stood a democratic chance with all the interference and abuse of power from the deep British state? For goodness sake, even the treasury civil servants were given prices for “working to save the union”, despite breaching the civil service code of conduct regarding political impartiality from every possible angle.

If we want a democratic lever, then we need to exit this union first.


2 days ago

Like everyone, I think these writers are despicable and desperate.

What I wonder about is motivation. When Thatcher died there was immediate rejoicing from some, virtual dancing on her grave, but all of that was political – people angry at her political actions and legacy. But politics is rarely mentioned here (beyond a tacit dislike of nationalism and its aims, but even then only from some and importantly some are nationalists themselves). It is all about Salmond’s apparent failings as a human being – but why such emphasis on this? What is it that these people are really motivated by? Is it ultimately simply about them, not Salmond bur what has he done to any of them? Nothing at all as far as I can see.

He was accused of sexual crimes, acquitted, found to have been treated unfairly and with strong hints of stuff being trumped up at the very least, and yet they are sticking the knife in with no holds barred now he is dead. Why?

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

2 days ago

2014 was a momentarily alarming skip fire in England’s maximum-security, camera-bristling, back yard. The chief cad has now providentially gone to a higher place. Deep State is discretely clapping, while its over-excitable curs can’t help publicly yapping.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

2 days ago

Here are the originally whimsical but now poignant final words of Alex Salmond’s post-referendum book, in both English and Gaelic versions:

« […] In the tenth century, the monks at Deer Abbey in Aberdeenshire, a few miles from Strichen, rounded off their treasured biblical folio in Latin with the following colophon in common Gaelic (i.e. common to Scotland and Ireland). It demonstrates that Buchan wit, as biting as the wind, is rather more than a millenium old. It reads:

« ‘Be it on the conscience of anyone who reads this little book to say a prayer for the soul of the poor wretch who laboured so long in writing it.’

~ Alex Salmond MSP
Strichen, March 2015 »

(‘THE DREAM SHALL NEVER DIE: 100 Days that Changed Scotland Forever’ by Alex Salmond, published by William Collins 2015, pp 262, 263).

« […] Anns an deicheamh linn, aig Abaid Dhèir ann an Siorrachd Obar Dheathain, faisg air Srath Eachainn, chuir na manaich crìoch air an leabhar ionmhainn Laideann aca leis an earrainn seo anns a’ Ghàidhlig choitchinn (a’ Ghàidhlig sgrìobhte a bha cumanta eadar Alba agus Èirinn). Tha na briathran a’ sealltainn gu bheil eirmse Bhuchanach, a tha cho geur ris an lannsa, nas sine na mìle bliadhna a dh’aois. Tha an earrann ag ràdh:

« ‘Gum biodh e air cogais an duine a leughas an leabhar beag seo gun guidh e airson anam an truaghain a bha cho fada ga sgrìobhadh’.

~ Ailig Salmond BPA
Srath Eachainn, Am Màrt 2015 »

(‘MAIRIDH AN DÒCHAS: 100 Latha a dh’Atharraich Alba Gu Bràth’, le Ailig Salmond, air fhoillseachadh le William Collins, 2015, td 291)


2 days ago

O/T – this Labour govt is turning into a vicious clown show

– on telly lunchtime we had “elvira, mistress of the dark” telling us the budget will be alright because the chancellor has a vagina; what is this vagina, is it magic, is it the magic money tree, the magic vagina tree?

Before the labour got in the business press was running tales of “budget black hole” – this was 12B, but now it has become 22B, or in some places, 40B. But as much dough and as long as it takes for the “eastern war”. Then without catching breath, fucking the pensioners – that 300 was just the right amount to let the auld yins stick on the central heating – then … it just keeps getting worse :

– weight loss injections to get all these fatties back to work

– jobcentre coaches visiting the mental hospitals to get the head-mental back into work; what as ffsake? Neurosurgeons, air traffic controllers, nuke sub captains?

The thing about the money – when the numbers are all over the place, it looks made up, bullshit in fact; the number seems to be getting inflated to justify whatever mad scheme is being presented.

This Labour govt seems to be going hell for leather to make themselves far more hated than the tories ever were; farage could come through the middle, end up as PM. Looks like a plan – hate labour, hate the tories – vote for the super tories. Yay. Victory for democracy.

The things the tory press were going nuts about before the election – VAT on school fees, inheritance tax, various scams – the calculation of carried interest in private equity … I reckon these are all quietly being shelved. But hey, let’s just fuck the poor instead, they don’t employ lobbyists and can’t get me a job post politics; I would challenge anyone to live on universal credit.

“Elvira” is also a bit Cruella de Ville – she is zealous, she is going after people … I just hope when labour gets pumped next time there is still demand for that niche “milf mature”-only fans stuff. She is not much good for aught else.

– maybe the unemployed could all start an only fans? Maybe you get your benefit cut if you don’t upload at least 6 new racy/saucy shots a day. Middle aged blokes in schoolgirls dresses, hair in pig tails, licking lollipops – sounds like the trans community, to be fair. Nae open crotch shots, ankles behind the ear, keep it tasteful.

Eureka moment – here is the solution to anyone harassed by the jobcentre

– claim to be trans; claim the jobcentre is not a safe space; claim to feeling unsafe; claim unrelenting transphobia from the staff; claim you were misgendered, sue, settle for low 6 figures.

trannies are the new master race, the chosen people, the elect – jump on the bandwagon and survive.

Or Elvira will cut your money.

Vivian O’Blivion

1 day ago

Meanwhile over on Scot Goes Pop, James Kelly is celebrating a poll using MRP methodology which predicts a massive resurgence of his beloved SNP at Westminster. 48 MPs and the £1m + in Short Money from the British state that goes with it. How did that work out the last time?

This time they’re already bought and paid for. No need to woo them with free trips to the US of A. They’d be up and running from day one as willing supplicants to the demands of the Permanent State.

What’s the old adage about the definition of insanity and repeating an action and expecting a different outcome?
The boy really is a bit dim.

Bob Mack

1 day ago

To all who try to diminish Alex,let me say this

Yes,the man is dead, but at the same time the legend was born. All your torrid scribblings will never change that fact. He is immortal now, In every future endeavour we make for Indy he will be leading in our minds eye, as it was and is, his rightful place. We will be stronger. Thank you Alex.

Alf Baird

1 day ago

Quite a contrast between the state military send-off in North Macedonia (thank you to them) and the inglorious arrival in Scotland.

You would have thought Swinney’s mankit wee gang might have made an effort. But then again, naw, coudna e’en organise a plane nivver mynd a few Scots sodjers.

An apt illustration as to which of the two countries is a colony; the latter a calcified place where potential national liberators must be rendered inconspicuous and unrecognized, never glorified.

Wings Over Scotland | In Times To Come


1 day ago

Really can’t be easy doing a cartoon in the circumstances.

So Sturgeon’s Chief of Staff was a suspected (by Alex Salmond) MI5 agent…

The same Liz Lloyd responsible for the the most pivotal act in the whole long saga… leaking the story to the Daily Record against the wishes of the victims and of course Alex Salmond.

Clearly she is exactly what he suspected her of being.

And that is the person Sturgeon had as her Chief of Staff. Her right hand woman.

Given all we have seen of her these last 10 years there is little doubt left in me what Sturgeon is and in my view she will be remembered, as being one of the biggest rats in Scottish history. She is right ‘up’ there.

FFS she was put in charge of the 2014 campaign…

What Alex Salmond achieved, given what he was surrounded by, is nothing short of miraculous.

Incredible man.


Reply to  Astonished

14 hours ago

If Liz Lloyd is MI5, as many believe, and her behavior indicates (remember her simply refusing to appear at the Salmond enquiry, supremely confident no-one would make her), then sadly she knows she has nothing to worry about… doesn’t mean there won’t be theatre of course and perhaps even a mostly or entirely genuine legal process; but she will know throughout that she will be well taken care of for her key role in what seems to have been an extremely successful operation to neuter the SNP as a force for independence and deeply divide the movement.


1 day ago

I know people are hurting, and dealing with loss in their own way. But for me, honouring Alex Salmond means getting Independence over the line. Nothing short.

While I support it, and even like the idea, it needs more than just a statue or renaming his bridge in his honour. It’s only Independence which will see the soul of Alex Salmond truly resting in peace…

We have work to do.

Given time, oblivion and obscurity will consume the parasitic “nobodies” and tr@itors, as indeed will Hell, when their own day of judgement comes.


23 hours ago

It has always slightly baffled me why David Cameron ever agreed to the referendum in 2014. But then if he knew that the SNP were infiltrated at the highest levels and that they had an agent running the referendum campaign it certainly would explain his (over-)confidence in agreeing to it.

They really thought they had a lock on it. That is why they agreed to it. Yet despite all that, thanks to the brilliance of Salmond and the WBB, the campaign got away from them, they lost control….

Even with Sturgeon ‘running’ it… they realized they’d fucked up.

Salmond was a Maradona level player in politics, he could carry an average team to win major trophies. Even when some other team players were actually working for the other side. They underestimated him.

They attacked Alex so viciously post 2014 because they feared him. They feared him because he was a great man. Greater than most realize (for now at least).


Reply to  Mac

3 hours ago

David Cameron agreed to the referendum believing that the SNP would lose. That however came unstuck, and Yes ran then close, closer in fact than we dare think.

And the man who did it could have done it again. The dark state knew that and they knew thay he could come back. And that was the reason he had to be destroyed.

And so the attempted stich up of Alex was commenced whilst all the while concomitantly the agents of the deep state sought to hollow out the SNP, and hollow out its commitment to independence.

But Salmond was on the way back. He was set to expose the deep state plot. He was set to use that. He was set to resurrect a coordinated pan part strategy to securece an independence mandate with this being quicker than many might realise was possible.

Moreover England’s difficulty, is Scotland opportunity. And mak3 no mistake England post Brexit, with a slumping economy , collapsing exports, and at war needs Scotlands resources more now than before.

It is not diffivult therefore to understand how Alex’s passing, assisted passing even, could be more than helpful to the deep state.

Nor is it difficult to understand how, like the vanishing records of his existence being removed from public view the utter refusal of the state to countenance any public recognition of his body being returned to Scotland was so vigorously resisted. The last thing they wanted was any public recognition. That, like the attempt to destroy him is crystal clear.

And it is for that reason that he must be remembered. And that together with the exposure of the deep states dark deeds, will be his legacy that will deliver independence.

Scot Finlayson

22 hours ago

Hounded to his death by the full force of the British establishment,judicial,media/BBC,smear,corruption,lies,perjury,political plots and machinations,

not a bullet a bomb or poison but assassinated all the same.

Al Harron

19 hours ago

There should be a number of statues to Alex all across Scotland in times to come. While I’d have no problem with a traditional one on a plinth outside the Parliament, I also think there should be one on ground level, to represent the Alex Salmond who doled out soup for the homeless, shook hands with the sma’ fowk, and maintained policies to benefit all Scots. A statue to remind that for all his statesmanlike qualities, he never forgot who he was fighting for.

Stuart McKinlay

19 hours ago

by Pablo Neruda (extract).

Miré y allí estaba mi amigo:
de piedra era su rostro,
su perfil desafiaba la intemperie,
en su nariz quebraba el viento
un largo aullido de hombre perseguido:
allí vino a parar el desterrado:
vive en su patria convertido en piedra.

(Extract after Pablo Neruda)

I looked and there was my friend,
his features sculpted in stone,
his face opposing the storm;
the gale rending from his nose
a long groan of persecution.
There the banished man is now found:
settled in his homeland; enduring as rock.

(Earrann às dèidh Pablo Neruda)

Thug mi sùil agus siod mo charaid.
Bha aodann mar chloich,
a bhathais a’ toirt dùlain dhan droch shìde,
a’ ghaoth na shròn a’ dùisgeadh
donnalaich duine fo gheur-leanmhainn.
Sin far a leigeas an dìobarach a sgìos dheth:
ri còmhnaidh na thìr fhìn; cho maireann ri creag.


17 hours ago

When we pulled up behind the line of cars on the slip road at Dyce we were staggered to see so many. It was only the previous evening that we had heard about the convoy so to get it out in time was a challenge. But indy supporters didn’t let Alex down. Just as he never let us down. There were 60 cars in that slip road. Plus others gathered up another junction. Not to mention the many cars that joined us en route. Then there were the bikers. Magnificent. So while it was disgraceful that the establishment let him down, the people didn’t. North Macedonia was magnificent. Coming into Fraserburgh and seeing the crowd with the pipers playing on the corner had us greeting. Well, it spoke volumes about Alex. I reckon it’s what he would have wanted in some ways – the “sma folk”.
Chief. You’re gone, never forgotten. Your spirit lives on.


16 hours ago

Alex Salmond – probably the best politician ever produced in and for Scotland. He was so good the Establishment (and all its paid promoters in Scotland) had to lie and cheat to pervert the groundswell of support for Independence in 2014. Thereafter they lied and cheated to traduce him in an attempt to have him jailed, where he might well have died. What can you say about people like that apart from it is what they have done for centuries to people who posed a threat to their colonies.
I was struck by the difference in the send-off given to Mr Salmond in North Macedonia – honour guard and ceremony – and how he was received in Aberdeen – three undertakers with a trolley and two baggage handlers. Could the Scottish/UK governments not rustled up half a dozen Scottish Soldiers to do the honours here?
I was glad the people turned out to honour him.

Vivian O’Blivion

16 hours ago

From the statement yesterday announcing Murray Foote’s relinquish the role of SNP, CEO; “Mr Foote will stay in the role until his successor is appointed.“

Today’s news; “Carol Beattie, former chief executive of Stirling Council, will take over immediately until a permanent appointment is made.“ “The decision was made at a meeting of the SNP’s national executive committee …”.

Looks like they changed the locks on Jackson’s Entry while Foote was away for the weekend. Why the panic? Does Stu still have a mole in the NEC?

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